Historical Reprints
Health Related
To some to be healed by vibration may appear miraculous but of course it is the natural operation of a common mental and physical law of vibration. A superstitious or religious belief that the Lord spoke and it was done, or, a bigoted idea of the miraculous power of God could have produced the same effect.
1653 Edition Reprinted! The Old Knowledge! Over 330 herbs and plants and their use, and preparations described in this version. : Hereby you may know what infinite knowledge Adam had in his innocence, that by looking upon a creature, he was able to give it a name according to its nature; and by knowing that, thou mayest know how great thy fall was and be humbled for it even in this respect, because hereby thou art so ignorant.
This book is a reprint of TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. WANT OF APPETITE is not always a morbid symptom, nor even a sign of imperfect digestion. Nature may have found it necessary to muster all the energies of our system for some special purpose, momentarily of paramount importance. Organic changes and repairs, teething, pleuritic eruptions, and the external elimination of bad humors (boils, etc.), are often attended with a temporary suspension of the alimentary process. As a rule, it is always the safest plan to give Nature her own way.
The work that Mr. Are Waerland has produced is one which fulfils a great purpose. It at once instructs the reader in matters of vital importance to his health and happiness, clothing the information afforded in a most attractive manner.The author aims chiefly at making knowledge a living and integral part of the reader's mind by appealing not only to the intellect and the reasoning faculty but also to the great 'cantilevers' of human activities, the love of truth, the creative intuition and the enthusiasm, as the most powerful promoters of progress, without which much information, however valuable would not be converted into deeds or become a reality in life.
A vitiated atmosphere is fatal to healthy development. One may be ever so wise, learned, rich, and beautiful, but if the air he breathes is saturated with fever, pestilence, or any noxious vapor, nothing will avail him.
Sound, frequency, music -- all these are being used for war, healing, exploration, and more. Can you control sound to benefit your life? Exhautive research into the application and effects of sound itself.
This is a facsimile reprint of the famous work, the Sexual Psychopath. How does your sexual life affect the rest of your life's activities, your personality, etc.???
Explore how the five senses enhance the sexual act and lovemaking.
CONSIDERABLE parts of this book have been written for the unlearned. For the scholarly reader such parts, of course, would be wholly superfluous; yet it is hoped that they to whom these are familiar will be patient in passing through them for the sake of others to whom they may be instructive.
An in depth study into the mystery of sexual growth from both the physical and psychological aspects of mankind.
The Master of the Universe, your universe, is the mind... If you control the mind, the mind will create all you need.
Learn what chemicals, foods, habits can affect or cause impotence from this doctor.
This important work on sexuality, now translated into English. The author studies not only the physical aspects but the psychical aspects too.
How society savages sexual expression, leaving a people with repressed sexuality.
The following volume embraces the testimony, direct or indirect, of more than a HUNDRED individuals-besides that of societies and communities-on the subject of vegetable diet. Most of this one hundred persons are, or were, persons of considerable distinction in society; and more than FIFTY of them were either medical men, or such as have made physiology, hygiene, anatomy, pathology, medicine, or surgery a leading or favorite study. -- Large Print 15 point font.