Historical Reprints
Health Related
A christian study into sexual neurosis, diseases, and perversions.
A great book for survivalist libraries, preserving the knowledge of our ancestors. Katrina has proven we need to be prepared, and most of us do not contain the knowledge of home remedies and cures that even our great grandmothers possessed. Illustrated, this book teaches one how to prepare many remedies from fruits and flowers.
We may define a food to be any substance which will repair the functional waste of the body, increase its growth, or maintain the heat, muscular, and nervous energy. In its most comprehensive sense, the oxygen of the air is a food; as although it is admitted by the lungs, it passes into the blood, and there re-acts upon the other food which has passed through the stomach. It is usual, however, to restrict the term food to such nutriment as enters the body by the intestinal canal. Water is often spoken of as being distinct from food, but for this there is no sufficient reason.
Phrenology is a system of Mental Philosophy. It enquires into the quality and condition of the mind, estimating the faculties, sentiments, and propensities of the individual, without being deceived by personal esteem or the voice of partial praise; for as it too frequently occurs that minds of the highest order are more or less under the influence of self love, or a desire for the admiration of others, so are they blinded to their own weaknesses and in some measure rendered incapable of acknowledging their faults even to themselves.
The author has used his best efforts to tell his story in a happy vein, without padding and a multiplicity of words. The writing of it has been a task well mixed with pleasure, the latter of which it is hoped the reader may, in some small measure, share. The suggestions that are intended to be conveyed project between the lines, and therefore need no pointing out. Large print 15 point font.
TO CURE constipation requires much knowledge, skill, patience, and persistence. It cannot be said that any case of constipation is cured until the subject is cured of all habits that lead to general enervation and toxemia. In all people with the constipation diathesis--a tendency for constipation--any habit of body or mind which leads to enervation will surely bring on constipation.
Ever since the birth of the human race there have been health and disease. Everywhere we find those who live at levels of comprehension that cannot express in flesh the perfect power of the word and these must by natural law take on the form of whatever they have power to comprehend.
A home remedy approach to sexually related diseases.
WHEN psychoanalytic investigation, which usually contents itself with frail human material, approaches the great personages of humanity, it is not impelled to it by motives which are often attributed to it by laymen.
A study into freeing the woman to be herself in the marriage role, instead of what is stereotyped as the normal role by society.
Large Print 14pt font - Laying open the VICES of the Faculty, the Insignificancy of a great Part of their Materia Medica; with certain RULES to discern the true Physician from the Emperick, and the Useful Medicine from the Noxious and Trading Physick.
Toxicology is that branch of medical science which treats of the nature, properties, and effects of poisons. It appears scarcely possible to give any definition of a poison which will bear a critical examination; insomuch that some have preferred to deal with the evil effects of any substance, that is poisoning
Take control of your life and health with your mind. The mind (brain) controls it all.
Facsimile reprint of this hard to find book. A rather surprising concept of just what a perverted degenerate is.
This is a fairly good sexual history and hygiene manual for men.