Historical Reprints Health Related


Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Complete Herbalist, The

Health Related

TGS Reprints a number of older health and medical books on varying topics. Long forgotten advice and methods for treating disease and injuries can be found in these reprints. Many would be invaluable in a survival crises, such as a repeat of a Hurricane Katrina disaster. TGS does not presume these old treatments are better or should replace more modern medical discoveries, though some may be. Our 'unqualified' personal opinion is that diagnosis of disease is unparalleled in modern medicine, but treatment might be found in many alternative options.


Extraordinary Medicinal Fluid Called Aether
Catalog #: SKU1785

The Publisher of the following short Account of the AETHER having prepared, and successfully made Use of it in his private Practice, for several Years, has at length determin'd to endeavour to extend it's Utility, by thus making it public; as he knows of no one who has ever published it's medicinal virtues.

Woman Beautiful, The
Catalog #: SKU1756

Now days we take cosmetics for granted. You find them in every drug store, discount store, convenience store, beauty salon, etc. But less than a century ago, commercial cosmetics were not that easy to obtain and were high priced. So what did the women of our grandmother's era do? This book reveals their secrets, home-made recipes, and the lost connection between health, grace and beauty.

SEX : Avoided Subjects Discussed
Catalog #: SKU1740

This little reprint may be a walk down memory lane for many of us, when our parents left 'right' sex education books in our paths to view, rather than doing the 'birds and bees' speech. Such tactics may be needed once again, instead of letting television and video games teach 'sex' to our children.

Woman : Her Sex And Love Life
Catalog #: SKU1733

Fifty Three Chapters on Sex Education for Women (though good for men too!). This reprint presents sex as taught towards the end of the Roaring Twenties. Some of the illnesses presented as facts during this era have been disproved, (regarding marriage and genetic illnesses,) but the book is still an encyclopedia of sex related topics. Sex with all our modernization still remains one of the largest, longest running, elusive mysteries of the human race.

History of Circumcision
Catalog #: SKU1713

Whether or not you agree with the Doctor's conclusions about circumcision, this has to be the most exhaustive history reference ever written on this unusual subject. In ancient Egypt the performance of circumcision was at one time limited to the priesthood

Primitive Psycho-Therapy and Quackery
Catalog #: SKU1711

Certain historic modes of healing, including the use of medical amulets and charms, which have been regarded from early times as magical remedies, belong properly to the domain of Psychical Medicine.

Great Systems of Yoga
Catalog #: SKU1706

THERE are many people in America and Europe who want to know what yoga is, and they say, "Do not tell us about the yoga of one particular school; we want a concise survey of the whole field."

Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing
Catalog #: SKU1675

The present decade has experienced an intense interest in mental healing. This has come as a culmination of the development along these lines during the past half century. It has shown itself in the beginning of new religious sects with this as a, or the, fundamental tenet, in more wide-spread general movements, and in the scientific study and application of the principles underlying this form of therapeutics.

Creative Mind : Creative Mind and Success : Science of the Mind
Catalog #: SKU1674

3 Books in ONE Volume!: THE hand of eternal progress is brushing the cobwebs from the corridors of time and is again revealing to the human race the mysteries of being. As there is "nothing new under the sun," the searchlight of Truth is bringing to light only what has been known to the few in all generations.

Mind Cure, The
Catalog #: SKU1673

THE Western world has been slow to recognize the power of the mind over the body by reason of the fact that our philosophers from very early times regarded the mind as an independent entity--a something to be considered quite apart from the body.

Hindu-Arabic Numerals
Catalog #: SKU1624

All great civilizations of any era can be attributed to the knowledge level of mathematics the leaders and the populace had acquired. This knowledge and intelligence was utilized in all the great wonders of the world, past and present. Civilizations rise and fall with the knowledge of logic, that mathematics provides.

Human Atmosphere : Its Aura
Catalog #: SKU1578

HARDLY one person in ten thousand is aware that he or she is enveloped by a haze intimately connected with the body, whether asleep or awake, whether hot or cold, which, although invisible under ordinary circumstances, can be seen when conditions are favourable. This mist, the prototype of the nimbus or halo constantly depicted around saints, has been manifest to certain individuals possessing a specially gifted sight, who in consequence have received the title of "Clairvoyants," and until quite recently to no one else.

Story of the Mind
Catalog #: SKU1537

Psychology is the science of the mind. It aims to find out all about the mind--the whole story--just as the other sciences aim to find out all about the subjects of which they treat--astronomy, of the stars; geology, of the earth; physiology, of the body. And when we wish to trace out the story of the mind, as psychology has done it, we find that there are certain general truths with which we should first acquaint ourselves; truths which the science has been a very long time finding out, but which we can now realize without a great deal of explanation.

Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Catalog #: SKU1535

There is no doubt that hypnotism is a very old subject, though the name was not invented till 1850. In it was wrapped up the "mysteries of Isis" in Egypt thousands of years ago, and probably it was one of the weapons, if not the chief instrument of operation, of the magi mentioned in the Bible and of the "wise men" of Babylon and Egypt. "Laying on of hands" must have been a form of mesmerism, and Greek oracles of Delphi and other places seem to have been delivered by priests or priestesses who went into trances of self-induced hypnotism.

Old Time Makers of Medicine
Catalog #: SKU1533

Under the term Old-Time Medicine most people probably think at once of Greek medicine, since that developed in what we have called ancient history, and is farthest away from us in date. As a matter of fact, however, much more is known about Greek medical writers than those of any other period except the last century or two.
