Historical Reprints Health Related


Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Complete Herbalist, The

Health Related

TGS Reprints a number of older health and medical books on varying topics. Long forgotten advice and methods for treating disease and injuries can be found in these reprints. Many would be invaluable in a survival crises, such as a repeat of a Hurricane Katrina disaster. TGS does not presume these old treatments are better or should replace more modern medical discoveries, though some may be. Our 'unqualified' personal opinion is that diagnosis of disease is unparalleled in modern medicine, but treatment might be found in many alternative options.


Intermediate Sex, The
Catalog #: SKU2338

A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women : A look into the anomoly of androgyny in men and women or the third sex.

Alternate Sex, The
Catalog #: SKU2325

Explore the study of androgenous tendencies in all of us, in Leland's last book before his death.

U.S. Army Special Forces Medical Handbook
Catalog #: SKU2297

Illustrated manual for health care and emergency treatment in survival situations.

U.S. Army Survival Manual
Catalog #: SKU2289

The most popular survival manual ever published. Used for decades by the United States Army. Packed with survival techniques not usually considered by the average family.

Kama Sutra of Vatsayana
Catalog #: SKU2200

An English translation of this famous ancient sex manual by a society of Hindoos.

Kalogynomia : Laws of Female Beauty
Catalog #: SKU2199

This book on female anatomy and beauty was once censored and written under a 'pen' name to hide its authorship. TGS has added similar period pictures to enhance the importance of the book and topic.

Psychology of Sex for Students
Catalog #: SKU2184

Famed Sexual psychologist Havelock teaches students about his research and remedies for a happier sexual life.

Play-Function of Sex
Catalog #: SKU2183

Sexual psychologist expounds briefly on the importance of 'play' during sex.

Homeopathic Treatment of Diseases of the Sexual System
Catalog #: SKU2181

A home remedy approach to sexually related diseases.

Complete Herbalist, The
Catalog #: SKU2176

People as Their Own Physicians with Natural Remedies - One of the most comprehensive books we carry for the Herbalist or home practitioner.

Sexual Relations Of Mankind
Catalog #: SKU2159

A complete look at the history of our sexual relations, and where its going.

Sexual Crisis, The : A Critique of Our Sex Life
Catalog #: SKU2158

An early study of woman's reproductive rights, along with a more romantic psychological evaluation of our sex lives.

Mental Growth and Mental Control
Catalog #: SKU2144

A study into the power of the mind and its control over our lives.

LOVE : A Treatise on the Science Of Sex Attraction
Catalog #: SKU2142

A medical doctor looks into the human phenomenon of sexual attraction.

Little Essays of Love and Virtue
Catalog #: SKU2140

Havelock Ellis was a man, doctor, researcher, and author-- before his time. He taught what was at the time revolutionary ideas for sex and sex relationships.
