Historical Reprints
Health Related
The human body as a mechanism is far from perfect. It can be beaten or surpassed at almost every point by some product of the machine-shop or some animal. It does almost nothing perfectly or with absolute precision. As Huxley most unexpectedly remarked a score of years ago, "If a manufacturer of optical instruments were to hand us for laboratory use an instrument so full of defects and imperfections as the human eye, we should promptly decline to accept it and return it to him.
IF ever preface might serve for an apology, certainly this ought to do so. The bare title of the book is enough to have it universally cried down, and to give the world an ill opinion of its author; for people will not be backward to say, that he who writes the Praise of Drunkenness, must be a drunkard by profession; and who, by discoursing on such a subject, did nothing but what was in his own trade, and resolved not to move out of his own sphere, not unlike Baldwin, a shoe-maker's son, (and a shoe-maker), in the days of yore, who published a treatise on the shoes of the ancients, having a firm resolution strictly to observe this precept, Ne sutor ultra crepidam.
This book is a TGS Historical Reprint. The Lindlahr System of Natural Therapeutics represents the first effort ever made to combine in one system all that is good in the various methods of treating human ailments. It is, therefore, the only truly eclectic system of therapeutics in existence. It takes in all that is true in old school medical theories and practice, as well as all that is valuable in modern drugless healing methods.
The lives of many men and women are robbed of their true value by twists and flaws of character and temperament, which, while defying the efforts of the will, would yield rapidly to the influence of autosuggestion.
his is not a book on theory or purpose of will, but a real 'how to' develop and practice your own will. Many exercises are included on developing your will power. Remember this, all that you will ever know in this world, every iota of knowledge you will ever possess, comes to you through your Five Senses. A child without Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste or Smell never would gain any knowledge, it would be but a physical machine absolutely devoid of the ability to know, think, reason or understand.
Sound, frequency, music -- all these are being used for war, healing, exploration, and more. Can you control sound to benefit your life? Exhautive research into the application and effects of sound itself.
Music soothes the soul of the savage beast... and it heals too.
Imagination relates either to the past, the present or the future. On the one hand, it is the outright re-imagery in the mind's eye of past experiences. On the other hand, it is the creation of new and original mental images or visions by the recombination of old experiential elements.
Long forgotten remedies and spells for healing and other useful tips... even one for how to make good beer.
Sexual psychologist expounds briefly on the importance of 'play' during sex.
Birth control, Mrs. Sanger claims, and claims rightly, to be a question of fundamental importance at the present time. I do not know how far one is justified in calling it the pivot or the corner-stone of a progressive civilization. These terms involve a criticism of metaphors that may take us far away from the question in hand. Birth Control is no new thing in human experience, and it has been practised in societies of the most various types and fortunes.
Perhaps the perfect wedding shower gift...A Marriage manual from the 1840s.
THE addresses which have been collected for the first time in this volume and which were delivered in the main as summaries of my own special investigations concern themselves with the application of physical chemistry to different fields in medicine as rendered possible, more particularly through advances in the physics and chemistry, of organic colloids. In that questions in physiology as well as pathology and pharmacology are touched upon, it may perhaps be hoped that different circles of medical men may be interested in the problems discussed in this volume.
To TEACH LEARNERS those organic conditions which indicate character, is the first object of this manual; and in order to render it accessible to all, it condenses facts and conditions, rather than elaborates arguments-because to EXPOUND Phrenology is its highest proof-states laws and results, and leaves them upon their naked merits; embodies recent discoveries; and crowds into the fewest possible words and pages just what learners need to know; and, hence, requires to be STUDIED rather than merely read. "Short, yet clear," is its motto. Its numerous illustrative engravings give the results of very extensive professional observations and experience. Large print 15 point font.
Learn the old remedies of health care that our grandparents used and experienced for emergency and survival knowledge. While the doc here was trying to sell 'his' branded remedies, he also gives a vast amount of knowledge on medical treatements.