Historical Reprints Health Related


Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Complete Herbalist, The

Health Related

TGS Reprints a number of older health and medical books on varying topics. Long forgotten advice and methods for treating disease and injuries can be found in these reprints. Many would be invaluable in a survival crises, such as a repeat of a Hurricane Katrina disaster. TGS does not presume these old treatments are better or should replace more modern medical discoveries, though some may be. Our 'unqualified' personal opinion is that diagnosis of disease is unparalleled in modern medicine, but treatment might be found in many alternative options.


Man-Midwife's Mysteries
Catalog #: SKU3254

The two-fold object which we desire to attain in the following pages, and to which we earnestly entreat the attention of our readers, is the exposure and amendment of a vast social evil, which we have reason to believe has, to most reflecting men, become well nigh intolerable. It will be obvious that to bring this evil, with effect, to the bar of public opinion, we must probe it to the very core, and fearlessly unveil and drag into the light its indecent mysteries.

Man and Woman
Catalog #: SKU2453

An in depth study into the mystery of sexual growth from both the physical and psychological aspects of mankind.

Malformations of the Genital Organs of Woman
Catalog #: SKU2729

A study into the 'normal' and 'abnormal' genitals of a woman.

Making Your Own World
Catalog #: SKU3701

Whatever you know or think you know, of the external world comes to you through some one of your five primary senses, sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell, or some one of the secondary senses, such as the muscular sense and the sense of heat and cold.

Maintaining Health
Catalog #: SKU1108

Writings on hygiene and health have been accessible for centuries, but never before have books and magazines on these subjects been as numerous as they are today. Most of the information is so general, vague and indefinite that only a few have the time and patience to read the thousands of pages necessary to learn what to do to keep well.

Made Over Dishes
Catalog #: SKU1353

Wise forethought, which means economy, stands as the first of domestic duties. Poverty in no way affects skill in the preparation of food. The object of cooking is to draw out the proper flavor of each individual ingredient used in the preparation of a dish, and render it more easy of digestion. Admirable flavorings are given by the little leftovers of vegetables that too often find their way into the garbage bucket.

LOVE : A Treatise on the Science Of Sex Attraction
Catalog #: SKU2142

A medical doctor looks into the human phenomenon of sexual attraction.

Little Essays of Love and Virtue
Catalog #: SKU2140

Havelock Ellis was a man, doctor, researcher, and author-- before his time. He taught what was at the time revolutionary ideas for sex and sex relationships.

Life Sexual, The
Catalog #: SKU2138

The study of Philosophy, Physiology, Art, Science, and Hygiene of Love

Leonardo Da Vinci
Catalog #: SKU3343

WHEN psychoanalytic investigation, which usually contents itself with frail human material, approaches the great personages of humanity, it is not impelled to it by motives which are often attributed to it by laymen.

Law of Mentalism
Catalog #: SKU2448

The mind has all the power one ever needs to cure the body or talk to the dead.

Laugh and Live
Catalog #: SKU1312

There is one thing in this good old world that is positively sure-happiness is for all who strive to be happy-and those who laugh are happy. Everybody is eligible-you-me-the other fellow. Happiness is fundamentally a state of mind-not a state of body. And mind controls.

Kama Sutra of Vatsayana
Catalog #: SKU2200

An English translation of this famous ancient sex manual by a society of Hindoos.

Kalogynomia : Laws of Female Beauty
Catalog #: SKU2199

This book on female anatomy and beauty was once censored and written under a 'pen' name to hide its authorship. TGS has added similar period pictures to enhance the importance of the book and topic.

James Carey: Hermaphrodite
Catalog #: SKU3974

An autopsy report on the body of a hermaphrodite, a rarity 150 years ago.
