Historical Reprints Health Related


Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Complete Herbalist, The

Health Related

TGS Reprints a number of older health and medical books on varying topics. Long forgotten advice and methods for treating disease and injuries can be found in these reprints. Many would be invaluable in a survival crises, such as a repeat of a Hurricane Katrina disaster. TGS does not presume these old treatments are better or should replace more modern medical discoveries, though some may be. Our 'unqualified' personal opinion is that diagnosis of disease is unparalleled in modern medicine, but treatment might be found in many alternative options.


Reducing Weight Comfortably : The Dietic Treatment of Obesity
Catalog #: SKU2632

The successful treatment of obesity from a European doctor in the early 1900s. With the USA now under a pandemic of obesity problems, perhaps it is time to study the methods proven successful in the past.

Psychopathia Sexualis
Catalog #: SKU2631

This is a facsimile reprint of the famous work, the Sexual Psychopath. How does your sexual life affect the rest of your life's activities, your personality, etc.???

Natural Laws of Sexual Life
Catalog #: SKU2626

A study of our sexual life from science, medicine, history, psychology, and actual practice. The sex drive dominates our existence for nearly all our lives, yet is the one mystery yet explained away by religion or science.

People's Common Sense Medical Adviser
Catalog #: SKU2591

Learn the old remedies of health care that our grandparents used and experienced for emergency and survival knowledge. While the doc here was trying to sell 'his' branded remedies, he also gives a vast amount of knowledge on medical treatements.

Rational Sex Ethics
Catalog #: SKU2590

Excellent book on sexual ethics and hygiene. This medical doctor favors the Havelock Ellis approach to sexuality over the Freudian theories.

New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies
Catalog #: SKU2584

Medicines and remedies used by our grandparents -- recipes and concoctions revealed.

Works of Aristotle
Catalog #: SKU2573

Once the most popular sex education manual in Europe, proving also, that sex education was considered normal and important for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Way of a Virgin. The
Catalog #: SKU2552

One of the most popular books published in the early 20th century, and banned from time to time in several nations.

Sex-Love : Its Place in a Free Society
Catalog #: SKU2549

Think 'free love' started with the 60s generation? Think again... The quest for unrepressed acts of love have been with humanity since the beginning... and repressed time and again by 'sects' of men only interested in controlling others.

Sex and the Senses
Catalog #: SKU2547

Explore how the five senses enhance the sexual act and lovemaking.

Sex and Repression In Savage Society
Catalog #: SKU2546

How society savages sexual expression, leaving a people with repressed sexuality.

Institutionalized Sex Taboo
Catalog #: SKU2542

How our institutions have crushed human freedom by forcing sexual taboos on society through culture, society, religion, government....

Human Sexuality
Catalog #: SKU2540

A look at human sexuality from social, cultural, medical, and legal aspects.

Self Guide for All Men, A
Catalog #: SKU2508

This is a fairly good sexual history and hygiene manual for men.

Secret of Memory
Catalog #: SKU2487

Exploring a 'new' theory into enhancing your memory.
