Popular Authors Havelock Ellis


Studies in the Psychology of Sex Volume 1
Nineteenth Century : A Dialogue in Utopia
Play-Function of Sex
Problem of Race-Regeneration
James Hinton : A Sketch
Task of Social Hygiene

Havelock Ellis


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Seaweed - A Cornish Idyll
Catalog #: SKU3172

This is a facsimile of the 1st edition of this book. It was retitled in the 2nd edition to "Kit's Woman"

Soul of Spain
Catalog #: SKU3166

A study and observation of the social culture, social history, and social science of the Spanish people. The author also reveals his impressions of Spanish spirituality as shown in the attitudes of the people and their artists.

Study of British Genius
Catalog #: SKU3163

A comparison of the British physiology, body, mind, and accomplishments over time, and to other races or nations.

Three Modern Seers
Catalog #: SKU3161

Biographies and a look at the philosophies of James Hinton, Nietzsche, and Edward Carpenter.

Philosophy of Conflict
Catalog #: SKU3140

Combined edition of Havelock Ellis writings during WW-1. His first series was published in 1917 and the 2nd series in 1919- TGS has reprinted both series in one book. Facsimile of the original printings.

Problem of Race-Regeneration
Catalog #: SKU3134

The problem of over-population consuming resources faster than the Earth can supply them, first cropped up in the late 1800s. Havelock Ellis was a leading proponent of population control, suggesting over-crowding caused the filthy living conditions, poverty, and disease that plagued the cities in at the turn of the century.

Nationalisation of Health
Catalog #: SKU3113

Havelock Ellis was one of the first outspoken proponents for the nationalization of the health care systen, without which, there could be no control of epidemics at a national scale. Time has proven him right, time and time again.

New Spirit, The
Catalog #: SKU3112

Havelock Ellis studies into the purpose and meaning of life. He uses five persons whose writings affirm his own findings.

Nineteenth Century : A Dialogue in Utopia
Catalog #: SKU3110

A curious, but frank and objective look at the history, social sciences, and state of the world in the 19th century.

Noviciate For Marriage, A
Catalog #: SKU3106

A plea for education of sex and other marital conditions before the act of marriage.

My Cornish Neighbors
Catalog #: SKU3084

Travel back in time to an era where life was not so rushed, and enjoy the life, loves, and times of a forgotten era.

Impressions and Comments
Catalog #: SKU3082

Havelock Ellis, of the great Freethinkers of the Age of Enlightenment, wrote down his thoughts, impressions of things he saw or was thinking about day to day for several years. These were captured for posterity in these 2 series. 1912 and 1914 series in one volume.

Kanga Creek : An Australian Idyll
Catalog #: SKU3077

An idealic school of love, set in a romantic setting in Australia

Love-Acre : An Idyl in Two Worlds
Catalog #: SKU3070

Romantic fiction where love transverses space and time

James Hinton : A Sketch
Catalog #: SKU3066

Biography of one of the first writers of the 19th century that promoted the freedom of sex, and releasing people from a puritanical, restricted view of the purpose and meaning of sex.

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