Mysteries Government


Blueprint for a Better World
Atlantis Conspiracy
Kill Zone : A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza
Secrets of the Mojave
Adepts of Deceit - Two Volume Set
Alternative to Fascism, An



Catalog #: SKU1568

The world has revolved around the sun many, many times since Wilkins joined up with the crew of that great mothership in the sky. We offer this work to those who may not have had the opportunity to read his offerings, and who wish to evoke his spirit now, and to those who wish to recall his writing in the fondest of ways. God only knows that the Universe will never be the same!

Catalog #: SKU1569

The world has revolved around the sun many, many times since Wilkins joined up with the crew of that great mothership in the sky. We offer this work to those who may not have had the opportunity to read his offerings, and who wish to evoke his spirit now, and to those who wish to recall his writing in the fondest of ways. God only knows that the Universe will never be the same!

Monopolies and the People
Catalog #: SKU1577

The word "trust," standing for one of the noblest faculties of the heart, has always held an honorable place in our language. It is one of the strange occurrences by which languages become indelible records of great facts in the history of the world, that this word has recently acquired a new meaning, which, to the popular ear at least, is as hateful as the old meaning is pleasant and gratifying.

Reconnecting to the Source
Catalog #: SKU1600

From the author of 'A Dangerous Book', Rodger Stevens, points mankind to many of the sources of modern problems in society, with answers and solutions for correcting the madness. Perhaps in these early years of the 21st Century we are seeing the beginnings of an imminent collapse of the engines of deception whose power and reach have never been greater than they are today.

Catalog #: SKU1614

Rodger Stevens teaches lost truths that masters have come to teach mankind throughout the ages. However, Stevens speaks to the western world in language, mindset, and processes that people in western civilization understand.

Secret Armies: The New Technique of Nazi Warfare
Catalog #: SKU1621

SECRET ARMIES climaxes Spivak's exposures. His sensational inside story of Hitler's far-flung, under-cover poison campaign in the Americas would seem scarcely credible, were it not so thoroughly documented with original letters and records, citing chapter and verse, naming names, dates and places. His unanswerable, uncontradicted facts should go far toward jolting many of us out of our false sense of security.

List price: $19.95 save 70%
Wall Street Banksters Finance
Catalog #: SKU1632

Since the early 1920s, numerous pamphlets and articles, even a few books, have sought to forge a link between "international bankers" and "Bolshevik revolutionaries." Rarely have these attempts been supported by hard evidence, and never have such attempts been argued within the framework of a scientific methodology.

Mark of the New World Order
Catalog #: SKU1704

Clichés... clichés... clichés! Some people speak in nothing else, but sometime they seem to serve better than anything else to illustrate a point or make a difficult message more easily understood.

Cosmic Patriot Files
Catalog #: SKU1772

Hundreds of topics are covered in this closely typeset --shrink-wrapped--set that has been specifically compiled for the student of New Age conspiracies. Meant for a select audience who needs to know the truth about these many hidden subjects.

Shadows of Shasta
Catalog #: SKU1804

Why this book? Because last year, in the heart of the Sierras, I saw women and children chained together and marched down from their cool, healthy homes to degradation and death on the Reservation. This book is another little known 'Trail of Tears' story, but the word 'story' seems to diminish this tragedy of human suffering, at the hands of the US Government and the Republican Party 'Radical Rumps.' This is the failure of 'democracy' when it becomes majority rule, mob rule, and rule of the rich. This is the repeated horror, time and time again, of Christianity and Christian governments.

Minister of Evil : Secret History of Rasputin's Betrayal of Russia
Catalog #: SKU1807

Many lore researchers have admired and given mystical and prophetical qualities to this strangest of people of Old Russia. Some have almost sainted Rasputin, in their admiration... but not all Russians were so enthralled by this mysterious person...Was he really just a traitor to his nation? Read on...

Invisible Government
Catalog #: SKU1843

Communists in government during World War II formulated major policies which the Truman administration followed; but when the known communists were gone, the policies continued, under Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson. The unseen they who took control of government during World War II still control it. Their tentacles of power are wrapped around levers of political control in Washington; reach into schools, big unions, colleges, churches, civic organizations; dominate communications; have a grip on the prestige and money of big corporations.

Open Secret of Ireland
Catalog #: SKU1850

The Irish have been fighting the Brit Boot of Occupation and Oppression for over 500 years. Perhaps no other people have stood more steadfastly against the foreign rule of the British, than the Irish.

Kettle is one of the lesser known Irish patriots that stood up against the Brits for Irish home rule and independence, until his untimely death in World War 1.

Tyranny Unmasked : New Views of the Constitution
Catalog #: SKU1910

As the Roman territory increased, republican principles were corrupted; and an absolute monarchy was established long before the republican phraseology was abolished.

Philadelphia Experiment And Other UFO Conspiracies
Catalog #: SKU1935

From scientific data extracted from the "Philadelphia Experiment," as well as from information derived through Extraterrestrial sources: the military currently enjoys a remarkable acceleration of technology that is utterly "mind boggling," to the average person.
