This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry
A rare look back in history at the culture and atrocities of American prisons. With the scenes of the U.S. Guantanemo Prison and the U.S. Prison/Concentration Camp Abu Ghraib shown on today's news, one can see that a century of modern thought has not permeated the American prison system. Inhumanity reigns, with only a sprinkling of human compassion raising its head through individual thinkers, in America.The following pages treat of hell--A Kansas hell and a Missouri hell. Those who desire to peruse works that tell about Heaven only, are urged to drop this book and run. I was an inmate of the Kansas penitentiary for sixteen months, and make mention of what came under my own observation in connection with what I experienced.
Washington was glad to remain at Mount Vernon as long as possible after he had consented to serve as President, enjoying the life of a country gentleman, which was now much more suited to his taste than official employment. He was weary of public duties and the heavy demands upon his time which had left him with little leisure for his private life at home. His correspondence during this period gives ample evidence of his extreme reluctance to reassume public responsibilities.
An informative look at communism as a world movement and a Jewish stratagem . the six pointed star of Jewish communism being: Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Bela Kun, Stalin and Litvinoff.
Revealing the truth behind extraterrestrial contact, military intelligence and the mysteries of Ancient Egypt. The Stargate Conspiracy exposes the most insidious, disturbing - and successful - mass manipulation of our times. Designed to bring us, hearts, minds and souls under the total control of the conspirators, this sinister programme has ruthlessly exploited our Millennial craving for signs and wonders - even hijacking the predicted return of the ancient gods.
Interesting book, as the same policies keep coming up, over and over, and governments refuse to heed the needs of their own people, who are jobless, hungry, in debt, and no relief in sight. Yet the governments keep granting people that have paid no taxes, have no inherent rights in the nation, all the benefits, which are rightfully due their natural citizens.
The very name of the infamous concentration camp in Poland has become synonymous with the period we remember as "the Holocaust."
Look into the visions of prophets throughout the ages who foresaw the effects possibly coming with this current cycle of celestial interaction. The Bible calls this planet Wormwood and St-John gives a detailed description of what we may very well experience and perhaps very soon.
This study on the Constitution was prepared by Soliciter General of the United States, James Beck. It was dedicated to Harry Daughtery, Attorney General of the United States, under President Warren Harding. A few years after the publication of this book, Daughtery was indicted for Fraud against the United States. He was only one of the corrupt mafia running the Harding administration. The book gives insight in the formation of the Constitution not normally covered in history books.
The entire text of the Constitution has been added in the book for your convenience.
Twenty-five years after the event, assassination books continue to appear. Marrs, a Dallas-area journalist who teaches a college course on the event, has, however, produced a special one. Its nearly 600 pages are jammed with detail on every aspect of the shooting, the investigations, the suspicions that fell on the Mafia, the FBI, the CIA, anti-Castro Cubans--all the usual suspects.
A carefully documented and detailed story of the International Bankers and their involvement in the Illuminati plot to create a totalitarian One World Government.
The times in which Junius wrote were big with events. The Seven Years' War had just closed with shining victories to Prussia and England. Frederic, with an unimpaired nation and a permanent peace, it left with a good heart and much personal glory; but George III., with India and America in his hands, with the plunder of a great conquest to distribute to a greedy and licentious court, it left pious, but simple.
Everything Icke has to say or has written is covered and 'wrapped up' in this interview by Jon Rappoport. Jon Rappoport a professional writer and reporter in his on right interviews "the most controversial speaker in the world." Small book, small price, with a ton of information. Rappoport plows through all the rhetoric and gets to the substance of what Icke has to say.
iscredited in his time, Nikola Tesla was made by business competitors and the government to be nothing more than a kook. However, these same conspirators later duplicated and stole many of Tesla's most fabulous inventions which could soon change the course of history.
The Montauk Project chronicles the most amazing and secretive research project in recorded history. Starting with the "Philadelphia Experiment"; of 1943, invisibility experiments were conducted aboard the USS Eldridge that resulted in full scale teleportation of the ship and crew. Forty years of massive research ensued, culminating in bizarre experiments at Montauk Point that actually tapped the powers of creation and manipulated time itself.