Behind the United States and its Constitution is a small group of men whose sole objective is to enslave the whole world and humanity in their satanic plot for a one world government. This satanic plot was launched back in the 1760's when it first came into existence under the name of the Illuminati.
At this very moment high level sources in the government are attempting at all costs to keep under careful wraps the biggest military cover-up in United States history. It is a conspiracy that involves a project so hush-hush that only the President and a handful of his most trusted advisors-members of the Defense Department, the CIA and the National Security Council-are even aware of the very existence of this classified above Top Secret matter that could well alter the course of our very lives.
What's your traitor-treason I.Q.? If you can answer the following questions, it's high. If you miss one or more, you should carefully read Traitors & Treason.
Exposing the New World Order Conspiracy And the Evil Agenda of the Brotherhood of the Illuminati
Much of the information in this volume is of an incredible, and some might say, unbelievable nature. I have decided NOT to hold back ANY information or claims regarding the Dulce enigma and related scenarios, the reason for this being that underground or earth-based anomalies are always there for anyone who is interested or daring enough to probe and investigate.
I am only sounding brass; with the aid of your attention, I will speak marvels. Do you see this passing whirlwind called SOCIETY, from which burst forth, with startling brilliancy, lightnings, thunders, and voices? I wish to cause you to place your finger on the hidden springs which move it; but to that end you must reduce yourself at my command to a state of pure intelligence. The eyes of love and pleasure are powerless to recognize beauty in a skeleton, harmony in naked viscera, life in dark and coagulated blood: consequently the secrets of the social organism are a sealed letter to the man whose brain is beclouded by passion and prejudice. Such sublimities are unattainable except by cold and silent contemplation.
This devastating expose of the human condition and those who manipulate the human mind is a getaway car for the psyche.
'The Montauk Book of the Dead' is a tale of the intrigue and power which hover over the most sacred kernel of our existence: the secrets of life and death. Peter Moon not only reveals fascinating details of his years aboard L. Ron Hubbard's mystery ship but gives the mjost candid and inside look ever at one of the most controversial figures in recent history.
Directed by Tibetan elders, the Germans sought to harness the most powerful energy in the physical universe: the Vril, an energy so powerful that, in its most refined form, it can change the very nature of the elements themselves. To succeed, however, the elders needed to reach mass consciousness in order to manifest a major change in the evolutionary development of the human species.
As one distressed UFO researcher put it, Ever since organized flying saucer research began, a disturbing number of serious investigators have suffered personal harassment, unusual accidents and even mysterious deaths. In some cases, sinister voices have whispered threats over the telephone and warned certain researchers to terminate specific projects they were focused on.
Exposed at last is a subject surrounded in mystery and controversy. Are we living in the time of Biblical Prophecy? The Reign of the Anti-Christ? And the Battle of Armageddon?
Hundreds of topics are covered in this closely typeset --shrink-wrapped--set that has been specifically compiled for the student of New Age conspiracies. Meant for a select audience who needs to know the truth about these many hidden subjects.
Why would the FBI be tracking and investigating Nikola Tesla? National security, or national secrets, or were his inventions considered as national treasures and importance?
This obscure work about the Banking Panic of 1907 is an eye opener in today's financial collapse. The Panic of 1907, same problems, same banks, same players, same failed solutions rammed through Congress -- Does history repeat itself?
A dissertation upon the employment of excrementitious remedial agents in religion, therapeutics, divination, witchcraft, love-philters, etc., in all parts of the globe.