Money Economics Frauds in Money

Frauds in Money


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Free Trade and a Fettered Currency - Cheap Corn But No Bread
Catalog #: SKU2683

The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings. Free Trade applications always put the economic and financial health of a people and nation into the hands of greed, (mercantilism and corporatism). Free Trade should not be confused with capitalism, since free trade theory has perverted the ideals of capitalism.

Taxpayer Manual of the Republican Radical Rump Congress
Catalog #: SKU2682

This is really an expose of what the 1861 GOP Federal war against the Southern States was about... unconstitutional federal taxes imposed by the GOP-FEDS! The real conservatives left the union because of the illegal federalization of the national government by the GOP.

Republican Responsibility for Present Currency Perils
Catalog #: SKU2521

The Republian party is behind the destruction of the US silver and gold dollar, and behind every economic crisis since 1861.Why don't they learn from their own mistakes? Yet we are now in yet another economic depression due to Republican incompetence.

Curse of the Giants
Catalog #: SKU2431

The Giants of American finance and business exposed for the crimes against the people and the US Government.

Federal Reserve Monster
Catalog #: SKU2416

Dire warnings about the Private Federal Reserve Bank was written about in 1920. Our forefathers ignored them. Now we suffer under crimes of the banksters.

Behind the Curtains of Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU2399

Conspiracies revealed and historic information about the mechanisms used.

Central Bank as a Menace to Liberty
Catalog #: SKU2398

A short and direct exposé of the dangers of a private central bank.

United States Reserve Bank
Catalog #: SKU2397

How the Federal Reserve is the cause of and is controlling the US debt.

Paper Against Gold
Catalog #: SKU2208

History, Mystery, and Misery of the Bank of England - An excellent argument against fiat currency in favor of real money.

Great Conspiracy, The - House of Morgan Exposed
Catalog #: SKU2127

This obscure work about the Banking Panic of 1907 is an eye opener in today's financial collapse. The Panic of 1907, same problems, same banks, same players, same failed solutions rammed through Congress -- Does history repeat itself?

USURY : A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View
Catalog #: SKU1931

It always befuddles my mind how modern Christians can take a half verse out of the Bible, regarding induced miscarriages and create an entire anti-abortion movement from it. YET, with the hundreds of references and condemnations of usury - money changing in the Bible, Christians ignore and disobey, with intent, all the scriptures regarding usury and the money changers.

Cosmic Patriot Files
Catalog #: SKU1772

Hundreds of topics are covered in this closely typeset --shrink-wrapped--set that has been specifically compiled for the student of New Age conspiracies. Meant for a select audience who needs to know the truth about these many hidden subjects.

Wall Street Banksters Finance
Catalog #: SKU1632

Since the early 1920s, numerous pamphlets and articles, even a few books, have sought to forge a link between "international bankers" and "Bolshevik revolutionaries." Rarely have these attempts been supported by hard evidence, and never have such attempts been argued within the framework of a scientific methodology.

Monopolies and the People
Catalog #: SKU1577

The word "trust," standing for one of the noblest faculties of the heart, has always held an honorable place in our language. It is one of the strange occurrences by which languages become indelible records of great facts in the history of the world, that this word has recently acquired a new meaning, which, to the popular ear at least, is as hateful as the old meaning is pleasant and gratifying.

Evolution of Capitalism or The Philosophy of Misery
Catalog #: SKU1301

I am only sounding brass; with the aid of your attention, I will speak marvels. Do you see this passing whirlwind called SOCIETY, from which burst forth, with startling brilliancy, lightnings, thunders, and voices? I wish to cause you to place your finger on the hidden springs which move it; but to that end you must reduce yourself at my command to a state of pure intelligence. The eyes of love and pleasure are powerless to recognize beauty in a skeleton, harmony in naked viscera, life in dark and coagulated blood: consequently the secrets of the social organism are a sealed letter to the man whose brain is beclouded by passion and prejudice. Such sublimities are unattainable except by cold and silent contemplation.

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