Money Economics Frauds in Money

Frauds in Money


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Hitler's Secret Backers
Catalog #: SKU0137

The last line of the UPI press release says the manuscript would be republished December 1 of 1982. On January 4, 1983, we received word that the publisher had 'changed his mind' and would not reprint the document. No reason was given. So, in the last 50 years this book has been suppressed twice. What forces caused this remain unknown, but if they are that powerful, we have every reason to believe that we'll be hearing from them at a future date.

New York Stock Exchange In The Crisis of 1914
Catalog #: SKU3408

The year 1914 has no precedent in Stock Exchange history. At the present time (1915), when the great events that have come to pass are still close to us, even their details are vivid in our minds and we need no one to rehearse them.

Republican Responsibility for Present Currency Perils
Catalog #: SKU2521

The Republian party is behind the destruction of the US silver and gold dollar, and behind every economic crisis since 1861.Why don't they learn from their own mistakes? Yet we are now in yet another economic depression due to Republican incompetence.

Free Free Trade NOT the International Law of the Almighty - Special Collection Debunking the Insane Free Trade Nonsense
Catalog #: SKU2695

Free Trade is NOT of Christianity! Free Trade does not work! Free Trade is dangerous! The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings. IT IS NOT A RELIGIOUS PRECEPT!

Federal Reserve Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU0631

This is the first book that details hour by hour the events that led up to passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - and the many decades of work and secret planning that private bankers had invested to obtain their money monopoly.

Boss and the Machine : A Chronicle of the Politicians and Party Organization
Catalog #: SKU1291

The party system is an essential instrument of Democracy. Wherever government rests upon the popular will, there the party is the organ of expression and the agency of the ultimate power. The party is, moreover, a forerunner of Democracy, for parties have everywhere preceded free government. Long before Democracy as now understood was anywhere established, long before the American colonies became the United States, England was divided between Tory and Whig. And it was only after centuries of bitter political strife, during which a change of ministry would not infrequently be accompanied by bloodshed or voluntary exile, that England finally emerged with a government deriving its powers from the consent of the governed.

Empire of The City
Catalog #: SKU0088

The colossal political and financial organization centered in London, known as "The city," operates as a super-government of the world; and no incident has occurred anywhere in the world without its participation in some form. Its pretentions are supported in the U.S. by the secret International Pilgrim Society, sponsor of the Cecil Rhodes "One World" ideology which was launched about 1897.

Miracle On Main Street
Catalog #: SKU0136

The reality of this book is: IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT'S HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE, YOU CAN FIX IT. You can fix it without cheating anyone, without counseling with experts, without subscribing to any newsletter that keeps you posted on inside info, without writing Washington or getting involved in politics, without organizing, and without spending a penny unless you choose to.

Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved The American People
Catalog #: SKU4024

Republics are lost because their guardians - the people - entrust them to scheming politicians. We did not profit by the experience of other Republics, but followed in their footsteps, - and in their downfall we see our pending doom.

Gold For Survival
Catalog #: SKU0134

The American Dream has been lost. Lost mainly by the greed and envy and politicians responding to demands from those who want to live on the work of others.

Catalog #: SKU0775

THE CONNECTION OF THE CURRENCY WITH PRICES, AND THE EXPEDIENCY OF A SEPARATION OF ISSUE FROM BANKING. It was held by most writers of any authority on the subject of the Currency, till within the last few years, that the purposes of a mixed circulation of coin and paper were sufficiently answered, as long as the coin was perfect, and the paper constantly convertible into coin; and that the only evils to be guarded against by regulation, were those attending suspension of payment and insolvency of the banks, a large proportion of which blend an issue of promissory notes with their other business.

Taxpayer Manual of the Republican Radical Rump Congress
Catalog #: SKU2682

This is really an expose of what the 1861 GOP Federal war against the Southern States was about... unconstitutional federal taxes imposed by the GOP-FEDS! The real conservatives left the union because of the illegal federalization of the national government by the GOP.

Banking, Currency, and the Money Trust
Catalog #: SKU3981

The market prices of commodities vary from day to day and often several times a day. This occurs when there is no radical difference in the proportion of the supply and the natural demand. This fact is conclusive proof that our system is controlled by manipulators and fundamentally wrong. I have sought to elucidate this problem within this volume and have suggested a plan which if adopted would make the people the master of the world, instead of the present master-THE MONEY TRUST.

Economic Pinch
Catalog #: SKU0041

Congr. Lindbergh (father of famed aviator) pioneered in the investigation of the money trusts and in exposing the inherent evils of Federal Reserve Banks. In this rare reprint of his last published book, he outlines the plan for saving America from the clutches of the money interests.

Free Trade Folly - Free Trade and its So-Called Sophisms
Catalog #: SKU2689

Why Free Trade does not work! Why Free Trade is dangerous! The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings. Free Trade applications always put the economic and financial health of a people and nation into the hands of greed, (mercantilism and corporatism).

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