Historical Reprints
This, in today's lingo, is the 'uncut' version of Jules Verne's masterpiece classic. The Chapter on Captain Nemo that was deleted in most printed copies of this book, by ignorant Christian censorship, is restored in this reprint.
Historical Fiction based on true factual events of Secret Societies in the 1800s. Volumes One and Two!
The romance of the era of pirates continues to draw our curiousity. Yet, this history, like the wild, wild, west of Texas lasted but a short time. Read from the early stories about pirates that captured our imagination. Great for children! Originally published in 1874.
A Story of the South Pacific - The romance of the era of pirates continues to draw our curiousity. Yet, this history, like the wild, wild, west of Texas lasted but a short time. Read from the early stories about pirates that captured our imagination. Great for children! Originally published in 1885.
The romance of the era of pirates continues to draw our curiousity. Yet, this history, like the wild, wild, west of Texas lasted but a short time. Read from the early stories about pirates that captured our imagination. Great for children! Originally published in 1888.
The protracted struggle between science and the classics appears to be drawing to a close, with victory about to perch on the banner of science, as a perusal of almost any university or college catalogue shows.
The world's most famous detective in large easy to read print!
No race is more widely scattered over the earth's surface than the Gypsies; the very Jews are less ubiquitous. Go where one will in Europe, one comes upon Gypsies everywhere--from Finland to Sicily, from the shores of the Bosporus to the Atlantic seaboard.
Large 12 point font. Historical Fiction set in Roman times in Pompeii.
From a rather non-descriptive title, this is an exhaustive research into the phenomena of man and woman desiring flagellation as a part of their sexual experience and grafitication. Taking flagellaton from childhood to adulthood.
The real interest both of Les Deux Poetes, and still more of Eve et David, between which two, be it always remembered, comes in the Distinguished Provincial, lies in the characters who gave their name to the last part. In David, the man of one idea, who yet has room for an honest love and an all-deserved friendship, Balzac could not go wrong.
The world's most famous detective in large easy to read print!
Vintage Erotic fiction from the late 1800s. TGS has reformatted all the issues of this old journal magazine into complete book format, avoiding the inconvenience having the novels traverse multiple issues in the magazine format, and the annoying 'continued next issue'. Now footnoted to define archaic slang, obsolete words, and foreign phrases.
MUCH to the author's surprise, and (if he may say so without additional offence) considerably to his amusement, he finds that his sketch of official life, introductory to THE SCARLET LETTER, has created an unprecedented excitement in the respectable community immediately around him. It could hardly have been more violent, indeed, had he burned down the Custom-House, and quenched its last smoking ember in the blood of a certain venerable personage, against whom he is supposed to cherish a peculiar malevolence.
The satiric and fantastic romance is set in an imaginary semi-tropical land in Antarctica inhabited by prehistoric monsters and a cult of death-worshipers called the Kosekin.