Historical Reprints
This facsimile reprint of this Rosicrucian novel is set in a large 14 point font for easier reading. ---- Table of Contents; Chapter I; A Visit to the Invisible Planes Chapter II; A Sergeant's Experience after "Passing Out" Chapter III; A Soul Flight Chapter IV; Back to Earth-A Pretty Nurse Chapter V; The Elder Brother in the Flesh Chapter VI; A Doughboy's Ideas on Religion Chapter VII; Helping a Slain Soldier to Comfort his Mother Chapter VIII; A Study of Auras Chapter IX; An Experience with Nature Spirits Chapter X; A Crisis in Love Chapter XI; Light Again
In introducing M. Barbusse's most important book to a public already familiar with "Under Fire," it seems well to point out the relation of the author's philosophy to his own time, and the kinship of his art to that of certain other contemporary French and English novelists.
An idealic school of love, set in a romantic setting in Australia
Large 12 point font. Historical Fiction set in Roman times in Pompeii.
Romantic fiction where love transverses space and time
Mrs. Ellis weaves the teachings of her famous husband into romantic fiction, setting an idealic location in yesteryear.
The real interest both of Les Deux Poetes, and still more of Eve et David, between which two, be it always remembered, comes in the Distinguished Provincial, lies in the characters who gave their name to the last part. In David, the man of one idea, who yet has room for an honest love and an all-deserved friendship, Balzac could not go wrong.
19th Century erotica. While mild compared to today's erotic pornography, it still holds a lustful attraction for the curious erotica seeker.
I am about to do a bold thing. I am about to give to the world the particulars of a life fraught with incident and adventure. I am about to lift the veil from the most voluptuous scenes.
Erotic literature from the Victorian age. A classic Victorian erotic novel : A luscious and exciting tale
Erotica from the 1800s. In 1893 A Clandestine Publisher Brought Out A Flagellation Novel With An Entirely New Twist: The Hero/Victim Is Dressed As A Girl. This Was Gynecocracy: Government by women.
Erotica from the 1800s. Erotica was so much more artful in days past when they could spin language, love, and sex into literature that's worth teasing the imagination with.
Drift back into time, a time of innocence, an era of a slower paced life, a time when everything was beautiful, with these stories from the early 1900s.
This story was developed around the epitath found on an Etrurian gravesite of a young girl. The editor says the story is based on facts.