
Metamorphosis of Lisette Joyaux - The Story of Monique - The Yellow Room
Whipped Women
Memoirs of Josephine Mutzenbacher
Flossie: A Venus of Fifteen - Tales of Fun and Flagellation - Beauty in the Birch
Astrid Cane
Autobiography of a Flea



Forbidden Fruit
Catalog #: SKU2894

Erotic literature from the Victorian age. A classic Victorian erotic novel : A luscious and exciting tale

For the Liberty of Texas
Catalog #: SKU3717

Primarily the struggle of the Texans for freedom did not form a part of our war with Mexico, yet this struggle led up directly to the greater war to follow, and it is probably a fact that, had the people of Texas not at first accomplished their freedom, there would have been no war between the two larger republics.

Folk Lore of Women
Catalog #: SKU1765

A rare view through the looking glass of history of how the world has viewed women through folk-lore of the ages. Folk-lore is a mirror of reality, in that it relates through story the predominant feelings of the particular era in which it was written, whether fable, fiction, satire, parody or comedy.

Flowing Gold
Catalog #: SKU3716

This was not the first time he had been broke. On the contrary, during his younger days he had more than once found himself in that condition and had looked upon it as an exciting experience, as a not unpleasant form of adventure. To be strapped in a mining camp, for instance, was no more than a mild embarrassment. But to find oneself thirty-eight years old, friendless and without funds in a city the size of Dallas-well, that was more than an adventure, and it afforded a sort of excitement that he believed he could very well do without.

Flossie: A Venus of Fifteen - Tales of Fun and Flagellation - Beauty in the Birch
Catalog #: SKU2688

Vintage Erotic fiction from the late 1800s. A true daughter of the Paphian goddess, Flossie added to the erotic allurements inherited from her immortal mother a sense of humour which is not traceable in any of the proceedings on Mount Ida or elsewhere. Those of my readers, who have had the rare good fortune to meet with the combination, will not gainsay my assertion that it is an incomparable incentive to deeds of love.

Catalog #: SKU1791

Tim Beckley's Inner Light brings another of the Rampa books back to the forefront of attention by truth seekers, and for those interested in the study of the spiritual. This virtually unknown book was written by T. Lobsang Rampa's wife, who also held his love for the cat. Though fiction in style, the spiritual truth comes through, as though it were another of Aesop's Fables.

First Training
Catalog #: SKU2687

Vintage Erotic fiction from the late 1800s. The sexual, and disciplinary, coming-of-age of a young English lady - circa 1890. Our subject finds the installation of a step-mother in her home beginning to have a subtle, but persistent effect on all around her. The story features sexual and disciplinary scenes of many varieties.

Fighting Man of Mars - John Carter's Journal - Book 7
Catalog #: SKU1683

This is volume seven of the famous and popular John Carter's Journal, a science fiction series about Mars. Serve yourself, your children with the tools that seed intuitive thinking skills, books that challenge and enrich the imagination.

Far Off Things and The Three Imposters or Transmutations
Catalog #: SKU4120

One night a year or so ago I was the guest of a famous literary society. This society, or club, it is well known, believes in celebrating literature-and all sorts of other things-in a thoroughly agreeable and human fashion. It meets not in any gloomy hall or lecture room, it has no gritty apparatus of blackboard, chalk, and bleared water-bottle.

Fairy Circles
Catalog #: SKU2440

Forgotten stories, legends, and myths of other worldly characters that have terrorized and entertained mankind for thousands of years.

Eternal Lover, The (Pellucidar Series)
Catalog #: SKU1654

Serve yourself, your children with the tools that seed intuitive thinking skills, books that challenge and enrich the imagination. Take them back to the time before the mind-controlling television and electronic games to the origins of the ideas that gave birth to these electronic miracles. - BOOKS that fuel the creative processes of the human imagination. Edgar Rice Burroughs was one such man and author that enriched the minds of many a person.

Escape on Venus
Catalog #: SKU1689

Take yourself back to the time before the mind-controlling television and electronic games to the origins of the ideas that gave birth to these electronic miracles. - BOOKS that fuel the creative processes of the human imagination. Edgar Rice Burroughs was one such man and author that enriched the minds of many a person.

Erewhon : Over The Range aka Darwin Among The Machines
Catalog #: SKU1630

The first edition of "Erewhon" sold in about three weeks; I had not taken moulds, and as the demand was strong, it was set up again immediately. I was complaining once to a friend that though "Erewhon" had met with such a warm reception, my subsequent books had been all of them practically still-born. He said, "You forget one charm that 'Erewhon' had, but which none of your other books can have." I asked what? and was answered, "The sound of a new voice, and of an unknown voice."

Dream Child, The
Catalog #: SKU2718

A book of Spiritual fiction: The romance of two worlds, while looking at the world of science, reality, and spirit.

Dracula's Guest
Catalog #: SKU2251

A few months before the lamented death of my husband-I might say even as the shadow of death was over him-he planned three series of short stories for publication, and the present volume is one of them. To his original list of stories in this book, I have added an hitherto unpublished episode from Dracula. ~Florence Bram Stoker
