Historical Reprints Ethics/ Honesty/ Truth


Coming Battle, The
Story of Cole Younger, The
USURY : A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View
Self-Consciousness in Public - How to Control Your Emotions
Conspiracy of the Privileged
History of Conspiracy And Abuse of Legal Procedure

Ethics/ Honesty/ Truth


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Modern Revival of Ancient Wisdom
Catalog #: SKU1216

In the mind of the general public Theosophy is classed with Spiritualism, New Thought, Unity and Christian Science, as one of the modern cults. It needs but a slight acquaintance with the facts in the case to reveal that Theosophy is amenable to this classification only in the most superficial sense. Though the Theosophical Society is recent, theosophy, in the sense of an esoteric philosophic mystic system of religious thought, must be ranked as one of the most ancient traditions. It is not a mere cult, in the sense of being the expression of a quite specialized form of devotion, practice, or theory, propagated by a small group.

Proofs of a Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU1565

Published in 1798 this is probably the most quoted text regarding the alleged conspiratorial designs of Freemasonry. -- BEING AT a friend's house in the country during some part of the summer 1795, I there saw a volume of a German periodical work, called Religions Begebenheiten, i.e. Religious Occurrences; in which there was an account of the various schisms in the Fraternity of Free Masons, with frequent allusions to the origin and history of that celebrated association.

First Principles : A New System of Philosophy
Catalog #: SKU1214

We too often forget that not only is there "a soul of goodness in things evil," but very generally also, a soul of truth in things erroneous. While many admit the abstract probability that a falsity has usually a nucleus of verity, few bear this abstract probability in mind, when passing judgment on the options of others. A belief that is proved to be grossly at variance with fact, is cast aside with indignation or contempt; and in the heat of antagonism scarcely any one inquires what there was in this belief which commended it to men's minds. Yet there must have been something.

Common Sense With Other Selected Writings
Catalog #: SKU0976


Conquest of Death
Catalog #: SKU2660

This is an interesting anti-abortion, anti-contraceptive look at the issues, without all the religious mumbo-jumbo of the insane preachers of today.

Power of Will
Catalog #: SKU1263

his is not a book on theory or purpose of will, but a real 'how to' develop and practice your own will. Many exercises are included on developing your will power. Remember this, all that you will ever know in this world, every iota of knowledge you will ever possess, comes to you through your Five Senses. A child without Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste or Smell never would gain any knowledge, it would be but a physical machine absolutely devoid of the ability to know, think, reason or understand.

Scatalogic Rites of All Nations
Catalog #: SKU3941

A dissertation upon the employment of excrementitious remedial agents in religion, therapeutics, divination, witchcraft, love-philters, etc., in all parts of the globe.

Way of All Flesh
Catalog #: SKU0947

Variously a parish helper to the London poor and a successful New Zealand sheep farmer, Samuel Butler did not treasure the attitudes of his time (the second half of the 19th century). His books were iconoclastic in their attitudes towards Victorian ideals and The Way of All Flesh is foremost among them. It is appropriate, then, that it was published after his death and Queen Victoria's, in 1903.

Caesar's Column
Catalog #: SKU0996

Some may think that "Caesar's Column" should not have been published. Will it arrest the moving evil to ignore its presence? What would be thought of the surgeon who, seeing upon his patient's lip the first nodule of the cancer, tells him there is no danger, and laughs him into security while the roots of the monster eat their way toward the great arteries? If my message be true it should be spoken; and the world should hear it. The cancer should be cut out while there is yet time.

Concerning Human Understanding
Catalog #: SKU0941

Written in 1690, this is one of John Locke's most expansive and famous works, republished by TGS Historical Reprints.

This is the first and most general division of the objects of our understanding. This seems to me the first and most general, as well as natural division of the objects of our understanding. For a man can employ his thoughts about nothing, but either, the contemplation of things themselves, for the discovery of truth

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
Catalog #: SKU2092

In reading the history of nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities; their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first.

Impressions and Comments
Catalog #: SKU3082

Havelock Ellis, of the great Freethinkers of the Age of Enlightenment, wrote down his thoughts, impressions of things he saw or was thinking about day to day for several years. These were captured for posterity in these 2 series. 1912 and 1914 series in one volume.

Philosophy of Conflict
Catalog #: SKU3140

Combined edition of Havelock Ellis writings during WW-1. His first series was published in 1917 and the 2nd series in 1919- TGS has reprinted both series in one book. Facsimile of the original printings.

Human Intercourse
Catalog #: SKU2229

Unique study into the styles, methods, and trends of humans interacting and relating to each other.

Worship of the Serpent
Catalog #: SKU0218

The Christ had preached a universal doctrine, a new revelation of the Good God, the Father over all. They who tried to graft this on to Judaism, the imperfect creed of one small nation, were in grievous error, and had totally misunderstood the teaching of the Christ. The Christ was not the Messiah promised to the Jews. That Messiah was to be an earthly king, was intended for the Jews alone, and had not yet come.

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