Historical Reprints Ethics/ Honesty/ Truth


Coming Battle, The
Story of Cole Younger, The
USURY : A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View
Self-Consciousness in Public - How to Control Your Emotions
Conspiracy of the Privileged
History of Conspiracy And Abuse of Legal Procedure

Ethics/ Honesty/ Truth


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Philosophy of Freedom : With 11 additional lectures
Catalog #: SKU0834

We no longer want merely to believe; we want to know. Belief demands the acceptance of truths which we do not fully comprehend. But things we do not fully comprehend are repugnant to the individual element in us, which wants to experience everything in the depths of its inner being. The only knowledge which satisfies us is one which is subject to no external standards but springs from the inner life of the personality.

Coming Battle, The
Catalog #: SKU0751

First published in 1899, a history of the National Bank System of currency, including an account of the first U.S. Bank. This book documents from Congressional records, newspaper reports and writings by the founding fathers and others a chronology of events long forgotten that shaped our fledgling nation from 1776 to 1899. Read about the manipulation of our money and its supply, the intentional creation of recessions, depressions and panics. The manipulation of the stock markets and demonetization of silver.

Catalog #: SKU3057

Elmira was the location of one of the worst prisons and atrocities of the Civil War, yet this author shows how Elmira became one of the first prisons to try and reform criminals.

Marriage and the Sex-Problem
Catalog #: SKU2622

According to Christianity and other religions, marriage IS the solution to the sex problem. But is it? or better - why is it not being the solution? This is a Christian book looking at the problem and offers a biblical type solution. While perhaps this is not the answer for many, it offers a good look at what most of us expected marriage and sex to be.

Pawns In The Game
Catalog #: SKU0066

A former British Naval officer describes the worldwide conspiracy of "Jewish" bankers, who employ Communism as the battering ram against Christian states. Includes atrocities of Bolsheviks and of Spanish Communists described.

Private Sea, The - The Forbidden Knowledge Series
Catalog #: SKU1611

At a party in Chicago, a young man under the influence of LSD seized a live kitten and ate it. Later, in an effort to explain his action, he said he had felt an urgent need to experience everything. The story is revolting, of course, and possibly apocryphal;

Self-Consciousness in Public - How to Control Your Emotions
Catalog #: SKU2474

Maintaining control of your own body and mind in public, can make you the master and winner in all situations.

USURY : A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View
Catalog #: SKU1931

It always befuddles my mind how modern Christians can take a half verse out of the Bible, regarding induced miscarriages and create an entire anti-abortion movement from it. YET, with the hundreds of references and condemnations of usury - money changing in the Bible, Christians ignore and disobey, with intent, all the scriptures regarding usury and the money changers.

Woman: Man's Equal
Catalog #: SKU0998

The claiming for women equality with men, not only in mental capacity, but in civil and ecclesiastical rights, may shock the preconceived opinions of many persons, and will probably subject the individual advancing such views to the charge of fanaticism and false teaching; yet we conceive the claim to be consistent with reason, justice, and the Word of God

Eight Pillars of Prosperity
Catalog #: SKU2903

The moral virtues are the foundation and support of prosperity as they are the soul of greatness. They endure for ever. A great gift for a graduating son or daughter.

How to Turn Your Desires and Ideals into Realities
Catalog #: SKU0881

Desire, Ideals and Reality; The Spirit of Matter; Desire Ideals and the Process of Becoming Realities; Idealizing Things; Idealizing Means and Methods; Property Values Depend Upon Ideals and Idealization; Making Desires of Positions and advancement Come true; The Healing of Incurable Cases; Changing Character and Attaining Spiritual Consciousness.

Palestine Plot
Catalog #: SKU0079

Written by a prominent Danish lawyer.A well documented and chronological report on the rise of Zionism and the conquest of Palestine. Contains hundreds of damaging admissions and revealing statements from Zionists, anti-Zionists and disinterested parties. A must for true Middle East historians.

Rationalist's Manual
Catalog #: SKU2099

Most of us have been born and bred under the influence of some form of religious superstition, which was imposed upon us, from a very proper sense of duty, by our parents. But parents, though having complete control over the education of their children, cannot commit them, when they arrive at years of discretion, to any particular line of thought or opinion. If this were possible, in what a state of appalling ignorance should we be now! The world progresses, and why? Because knowledge progresses.

Sceptics of the Old Testament : Job - Koheleth - Agur
Catalog #: SKU0819

A careful perusal of this first English translation of the primitive text of "Job," "Koheleth," and the "Sayings of Agur" will, I doubt not, satisfy the most orthodox reader that I am fully warranted in characterising their authors as Sceptics. The epithet, I confess, may prove distasteful to many, but the truth, I trust, will be welcome to all.

Textbook of Theosophy
Catalog #: SKU1362

We often speak of Theosophy as not in itself a religion, but the truth which lies behind all religions alike. That is so; yet, from another point of view, we may surely say that it is at once a philosophy, a religion and a science. It is a philosophy, because it puts plainly before us an explanation of the scheme of evolution of both the souls and the bodies contained in our solar system.

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