Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep

Esoteric - Spiritual


Golden Bough - Abridged One Volume Edition - Study of Magic and Religion
Catalog #: SKU1607

THE PRIMARY aim of this book is to explain the remarkable rule which regulated the succession to the priesthood of Diana at Aricia. When I first set myself to solve the problem more than thirty years ago, I thought that the solution could be propounded very briefly, but I soon found that to render it probable or even intelligible it was necessary to discuss certain more general questions, some of which had hardly been broached before.

Golden Asse. The
Catalog #: SKU1434

Bookes of the 'Golden Asse', are enriched with such pleasant matter, with such excellency and variety of flourishing tales, that nothing may be more sweet and delectable, whereby worthily they may be intituled The Bookes of the 'Golden Asse', for the passing stile and matter therein.

Catalog #: SKU1525

Rare and powerful legendary power squares which have been handed down for centuries only in sacred volumes used by a few presented by one of the great mystics of our age, Oribello

Gnostics and Their Remains : Ancient and Mediaeval
Catalog #: SKU1579

The seeds of the Gnosis were originally of Indian growth, carried so far westward by the influence of that Buddhistic movement which had previously overspread all the East, from Thibet to Ceylon, was the great truth faintly discerned by Matter, but which became evident to me upon acquiring even a slight acquaintance with the chief doctrines of Indian theosophy.

Glimpses of the Next State
Catalog #: SKU1522

When I commenced my investigations into spiritism, no desire for consolation attracted me to the study. For thirty years I had only lost one near relative, my father, and he had passed over nearly twelve years before, at a good old age. In this respect I have been unusually fortunate; but the most powerful incentive any man can have to delve into the occult was absent in my case. I wanted to know the truth. "If a man die, shall he live again?" - this was the problem to be solved.

Ghosts in Solid Form
Catalog #: SKU1906

As scientists in many parts of the world today are turning their serious attention to the question of the origin and the (possible) continuity of Life, I feel that the time has now arrived when a text-book on the subject of the phenomena, known to investigators as Materialisations

From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe
Catalog #: SKU1759

In this little treatise I am presenting to all students of nature great things to observe and to consider. Great as much because of their intrinsic excellence as of their absolute novelty, and also on account of the instrument by the aid of which they have made themselves accessible to our senses.

From India to the Planet Mars
Catalog #: SKU3847

Twenty-even ten-years ago the phenomena which Prof. Flournoy here describes in detail, and of which he offers a keen, skilful, psychological analysis, would have met with the sneers of popular science and the contempt of obscurantist orthodoxy; the book would have found few readers.

Freemasonry Manual 1867 Edition
Catalog #: SKU2109

Condensed from the 1861 edition but still a massive volume on the rites and traditions of Freemasonry

Freemasonry Manual 1861 Edition
Catalog #: SKU2108

A massive volume on the rites and traditions of Freemasonry

Freemasonry : Its Symbolism, Religious Natureand Law of Perfection
Catalog #: SKU2126

A masterful work and deeper study into the meaning and relevance of Freemasonry, exploring its many mysteries, including Kaballa.

Freemason's Manual 1881 Edition
Catalog #: SKU2721

TGS has reprinted How's first edition of 1862 and his third edition of 1881. The 1881 Edition is more accurate and further edited. However, as with most subsequent editions of any book, the first edition captures the author's passion for his topic, many times lost in further editing.

Freemason's Manual 1862 Edition
Catalog #: SKU2720

TGS has reprinted How's first edition of 1862 and his third edition of 1881. The 1881 Edition is more accurate and further edited. However, as with most subsequent editions of any book, the first edition captures the author's passion for his topic, many times lost in further editing.

Freedom of Life : Power Through Repose : As A Matter of Course
Catalog #: SKU1439

NTERIOR freedom rests upon the principle of non-resistance to all the things which seem evil or painful to our natural love of self. But non-resistance alone can accomplish nothing good unless, behind it, there is a strong love for righteousness and truth.

Freedom of Life
Catalog #: SKU1092

Four Books Published in One Volume by TGS Publishers!
The Freedom of Life - As A Matter of Course - Power Through Repose - Nerves and Common Sense
THE aim of this book is to assist towards the removal of nervous irritants, which are not only the cause of much physical disease, but materially interfere with the best possibilities of usefulness and pleasure in everyday life.
