Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep

Esoteric - Spiritual


Sorcery and Magic
Catalog #: SKU2766

Exhaustive study into sorcery, magic, witchcraft, demons, and satan, especially as these beliefs affected history.

Phantasms of the Living (4 book set)
Catalog #: SKU2762

IN DEPTH RESEARCH of life after death-- the evidences, experiences, witnesses of hundreds of people proving the absolute reality of life beyond the grave.

Lectures on Masonic Mysteries
Catalog #: SKU2757

A study of the Masoni Mysteries with much emphasis on Masonic Symbolism

Venerable Brotherhood of India : Modern World Movements
Catalog #: SKU2751

Freemasonry and theosophy traced back into ancient India's esoteric traditions.

Story of the Royal Arch
Catalog #: SKU2747

A foundation of the Royal Arch in Masonry, reaching back into Antiquity, the Temple of Solomon and more...

Secret of Swedenborg
Catalog #: SKU2743

Swedenborg, a mystic Christian, views the religion of Christ with a more encompassing view of life and nature than fundamentalist illiteracy. His studies and views still confound scholars and theologians.

Sacred Mysteries Among the Mayas and Quiches 11,500 Years Ago
Catalog #: SKU2741

This author takes the history and origin of Freemasonry back thousands of years before Hebrew King Solomon and Hiram Abiff.

Revelations of a Square
Catalog #: SKU2740

Understanding the factual and mystical reasons the square and compass hold in Masonic culture and ritual from one of the great Masonic teachers and writers.

New Avatar : The Destiny of the Soul
Catalog #: SKU2737

The author, a doctor and Freemason, connects dots between science and mysticism.

Mystic Masonry: The Symbols of Freemasonry
Catalog #: SKU2736

Masonry puports to have preserved the ancient mysteries. If true, they succeeded in stopping the Church from destroying all knowledge of the ancients. What mystic truths can we learn from Freemasonry?

Mystery of the Kingdom of God: The Secret of Jesus' Messiahship and Passion
Catalog #: SKU2735

A look at the strange actions of Jesus at the Passion and His revealing of his Messiahship...

Ministry of Masonry
Catalog #: SKU2732

The ministerial role of Masonry, from the view of a Christian Mason.

Lectures of the Three Degrees of Craft Masonry
Catalog #: SKU2727

Illustrative form and explanation of the rituals of the three degrees.

Great Psychological Crime
Catalog #: SKU2724

An investigation into the dangers of hypnotism and psychology as crimes against the human nature, mind, and intellect.

Freemason's Manual 1881 Edition
Catalog #: SKU2721

TGS has reprinted How's first edition of 1862 and his third edition of 1881. The 1881 Edition is more accurate and further edited. However, as with most subsequent editions of any book, the first edition captures the author's passion for his topic, many times lost in further editing.
