Historical Reprints
Esoteric - Spiritual
The lessons which compose this volume originally appeared in monthly form, the first of which was issued in October, 1907, and the twelfth in September, 1908. These lessons met with a hearty and generous response from the public, and the present volume is issued in response to the demand for the lessons in a permanent and durable form.
he student in India expects the teacher to state positively the principles involved, and the methods whereby these principles may be manifested, together with frequent illustrations (generally in the nature of fables or parables), serving to link the new knowledge to some already known thing. The Hindu student never expects or demands anything in the nature of "proof" of the teachers statements of principle or method; in fact, he would regard it as an insult to the teacher to ask for the same.
It has been asserted that there is no such thing as Indian Religion, though there are many Religions in India. This is not so. As I have already pointed out (Is India Civilized?) there is a common Indian religion which I have called Bharata Dharma, which is an Aryan religion (Aryadharma) held by all Aryas whether Brahmanic, Buddhist or Jaina.
This thesis on sexual morality was originally published in 1919 at the beginning of the sexual revolution of the 'Roaring Twenties'. It was a medical and scholarly look at both sides of the Sexual Morality issue. Excellent research material.
Bishop George Berkeley (1685-1753) wrote this, his major philosophical work, at the age of 25. The Principles of Human Knowledge is a powerful attack on the Lockean theory of abstraction and presents a bold new metaphysics in which Berkeley claims that objects only exist when they are perceived.
Although deeply influenced by Plato, Aristotle is far from uncritical. He abandons his mentors' concept that absolute truth is 'out there' in the shape of 'The Forms of Reality' in favour of a much more down-to-earth approach to understanding based on observation more than on reasoning. This empirical rather than idealist approach runs through all his huge output of works on logic, politics, biology, physics, medicine, and, here in one of his most famous works
FAR back in the twilight of the pictured history of the past, the cross is found on the borders of the river Nile. A horizontal piece of wood fastened to an upright beam indicated the hight of the water in flood. This formed a cross, the Nileometer. If the stream failed to rise a certain hight in its proper season, no crops and no bread was the result. From famine on the one hand to plenty on the other, the cross came to be worshiped as a symbol of life and regeneration, or feared, as an image. of decay and death. This is one, so called, origin of the Cross.
German philosopher and critic of culture, who influenced a number of the major writers and philosophers of the 20th century Germany and France. Nietzsche's most popular book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883-1885), went ignored at the time of its appearance. Full of provocative ideas, Nietzsche was a master of aphoristic form and use of contradictions. Before and after the rise and fall of the Nazis, he was widely misrepresented as an anti-Semite and a woman hater, and many philosophers found it difficult to take his writings seriously.
Written in 1690, this is one of John Locke's most expansive and famous works, republished by TGS Historical Reprints.
This is the first and most general division of the objects of our understanding. This seems to me the first and most general, as well as natural division of the objects of our understanding. For a man can employ his thoughts about nothing, but either, the contemplation of things themselves, for the discovery of truth
There at the center of the Earth, the Atlanteans still live in peace and tranquility away from the war-like elements of the surface dwellers.
In this work the author take sthe readers on an exploration like no other. Here are tales of polar openings, hidden civilizations, strange underground bases, Admiral Byrds' Top-Secret discoveries at the North and South poles, the central sun, the Shaver Mystery, and must more that will open your eyes to a "new reality" that you probably never realized existed.
Existence as we know it, Birth and Death, Astral- physical- spiritual life, Psychic Visions, Subliminal Self ransmutation: Sex, Law of Vibration, Solar Plexus, Law of Concentration-Meditaion Awakening: Aspiration, Subconsious Mind, Obsession Mastership: Cosmic Consiousness, Happiness, Dominion, Healing
This rare little book is from noted historian and esotericist Colonel J.F.C. Fuller. This copy was part of a published series titled Today and Tommorrow. The copy we had was titled Atlantis: America and the Future.
This book has been scanned as a special historical reprint project and no other formatting to the original text was attempted.
This book has been scanned as a special historical reprint project and no other formatting to the original text was attempted.
Enlightening Perspective on the Godhead and Life
Desire, Ideals and Reality; The Spirit of Matter; Desire Ideals and the Process of Becoming Realities; Idealizing Things; Idealizing Means and Methods; Property Values Depend Upon Ideals and Idealization; Making Desires of Positions and advancement Come true; The Healing of Incurable Cases; Changing Character and Attaining Spiritual Consciousness.