Historical Reprints
Esoteric - Spiritual
Swedenborg, a mystic Christian, views the religion of Christ with a more encompassing view of life and nature than fundamentalist illiteracy. His studies and views still confound scholars and theologians.
A foundation of the Royal Arch in Masonry, reaching back into Antiquity, the Temple of Solomon and more...
Freemasonry and theosophy traced back into ancient India's esoteric traditions.
A study of the Masoni Mysteries with much emphasis on Masonic Symbolism
IN DEPTH RESEARCH of life after death-- the evidences, experiences, witnesses of hundreds of people proving the absolute reality of life beyond the grave.
Exhaustive study into sorcery, magic, witchcraft, demons, and satan, especially as these beliefs affected history.
Exhaustive study into sorcery, magic, witchcraft, demons, and satan, especially as these beliefs affected history.
The 6th book in a series that first related the Shaver mysteries, experiences, and discoveries to the world.
This little work is part of the skirmish line of the Army of Revolution. It shall never cease its influence until every vestige of the fallacies and evils of a perverted science and religion shall have been relegated to oblivion
Dana Howard reveals the future of the planet and mankind from her contact with extra-terrestrial aliens in the 1950-60s.
Millions of Western worlders have studied the Buddhist religion and way of life. Perhaps millions in the past two centuries have adopted that philosophy and way of life. What is there that attracts the mind looking for peace and tranquility?
There is undeniably a mystic side of Christianity once you throw off the chains of closed minded fundamentalism.
We know in the West about most of the Biblical prophets from Isaiah to Edgar Cayce, but seldom do we consider that there are revered and respected prophets from other religions. This book about one such Eastern world prophet.
Did Nostradamus predict the coming of a World War 3? The author studies the quatrains to find out. With the world in constant political turbulence, is it possible that a great war was predicted by this famous seer and healer?
From time to time true prophets appear on earth. At minimum they show us there is more to the mind, spirit, and human abilities than most of us can fathom.
This Scottish prophet proved his ability to foresee the future.