Historical Reprints
Esoteric - Spiritual
The famous MU series by Col. James Churchward who spent his lifetime researching the vanished Pacific continent and super-civilization of Mu. This volume traces the birth of the Earth according to the Cosmic Farces of Mu. As the author writes: `I am now going to take you back...millions upon millions of years before man first trod on the earth, and aeons of time before history commenced to be written.`
Cosmic Memory Prehistory of Earth and Man : RUDOLF STEINER is one of those figures who appear at critical moments in human history, and whose contribution places them in the vanguard of the progress of mankind.
Millions of Western worlders have studied the Buddhist religion and way of life. Perhaps millions in the past two centuries have adopted that philosophy and way of life. What is there that attracts the mind looking for peace and tranquility?
Fons Vitae is the first part of wisdom or more accurately the first foundation and root of wisdom, he elaborates the steps to be followed from a knowledge of matter and form through the knowledge of will to the science of the First Essence.
Twenty-even ten-years ago the phenomena which Prof. Flournoy here describes in detail, and of which he offers a keen, skilful, psychological analysis, would have met with the sneers of popular science and the contempt of obscurantist orthodoxy; the book would have found few readers.
Rare and powerful legendary power squares which have been handed down for centuries only in sacred volumes used by a few presented by one of the great mystics of our age, Oribello
A look at historic ghosts that have raised public attention to these mysteries. Are they explainable by science? or just spiritual apparitions? or both?
CLOSE to the verge of the immense desert which stretches its arid wastes across the whole breadth of the continent to the shore of the Western Ocean, just at the apex of the famous delta which marks the meeting point of Upper and Lower Egypt, at the very spot where the busy life of the earliest civilization on record was bordered by the vast and barren solitude, stands the most majestic and most mysterious monument ever erected by the hand of man. Of all the other structures which made the marvels of the ancient world, scarcely a vestige is left.
Whatever opinion may be formed as to the merits of this my first work, I would beg my readers not to pronounce me guilty of presumption, in attempting to write on so grave and difficult a subject, as theology. My motives are simply these. I have beheld with grief and shame the efforts made of late by many, who dishonour the name of Israel, to lessen the respect our nation has ever felt for the law of Moses and the traditions of our ancestors. I waited, but found no one in this country, older than myself, attempting to enlighten the minds of my brethren; I could therefore no longer remain silent
Whilst some of the reasons which render the study of the Grail legends so fascinating, because so problematic, will probably always remain in force, others will vanish before the increase of knowledge.
A very good and complete expose on how passion, conscious and unconscious drives our actions, character, and personalities. Passion to love, hate, and war.
The information in this book is the master key which unlocks the door to higher dimensions of peace and power. A better life awaits you, a life in which you may banish the negative fetters of doubt, fear and guilt, so that you may be all you were intended to be. However, just reading this book will not do it -- you must apply the principles set forth, and thus create a firm foundation upon which you can build a new and better life.
It is funny that one really never stops to consider what life is all about until it is over. When the physical body dies, and the spirit returns to its natural state of being, then the ways of the Universe become clear. Not everything is answered
IN recent years a reawakening has taken place in the study of American arch
We know in the West about most of the Biblical prophets from Isaiah to Edgar Cayce, but seldom do we consider that there are revered and respected prophets from other religions. This book about one such Eastern world prophet.