Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep

Esoteric - Spiritual


Francis Bacon and His Secret Society
Catalog #: SKU1923

A thorough investigation into Francis Bacon's ciphers and secrets. This is a large print, facsimile edition of an original publication.

Fragments of a Faith Forgotten
Catalog #: SKU0216

The Christ had preached a universal doctrine, a new revelation of the Good God, the Father over all. They who tried to graft this on to Judaism, the imperfect creed of one small nation, were in grievous error, and had totally misunderstood the teaching of the Christ. The Christ was not the Messiah promised to the Jews. That Messiah was to be an earthly king, was intended for the Jews alone, and had not yet come.

Four Epochs of Woman's Life
Catalog #: SKU1303

IT has been well said that the bulwarks of a nation are the mothers. Any contribution to the physical, and hence the mental, perfection of woman should be welcomed alike by her own sex, by the thoughtful citizen, by the political economist, and by the hygienist. Observation of the truths, expressed in a modest, pleasing, and conclusive manner, in the essay of Dr. Galbraith contribute to this end. These truths should be known by every woman, and I gladly commend the essay to their thoughtful consideration.

Fountain of Life, The : Fons Vitae
Catalog #: SKU1635

Fons Vitae is the first part of wisdom or more accurately the first foundation and root of wisdom, he elaborates the steps to be followed from a knowledge of matter and form through the knowledge of will to the science of the First Essence.

Foundations of Personality
Catalog #: SKU1298

Man's interest in character is founded on an intensely practical need. In whatsoever relationship we deal with our fellows, we base our intercourse largely on our understanding of their characters. The trader asks concerning his customer, "Is he honest?" and the teacher asks about the pupil, "Is he earnest?" The friend bases his friendship on his good opinion of his friend; the foe seeks to know the weak points in the hated one's make-up; and the maiden yearning for her lover whispers to, herself, "Is he true?" Upon our success in reading the character of others, upon our understanding of ourselves hangs a good deal of our life's success or failure.

Forging of Passion Into Power, The
Catalog #: SKU2506

Passion is the motivator for change, the motivator of invention, the motivator of love. Ms. Boole takes a logical look at passion and how we should perhaps direct its influence for the betterment of all mankind.

Forgery in Christianity
Catalog #: SKU0215

An Exposition of the Fables and Mythology of the Bible and the Fallacies of Theology. Contents: The Menace of Religious Intolerance; Genesis of Christianity; A Sketch of Hebrew Scriptures; The Patriarchs and the Covenants of Yahveh; Wonders of the Exodus; Forty Years in the Wilderness; The Ten Commandments and the Law; Conquest of the Promised Land; Hebrew-Heathen Religion, Sex Worship and Idols; Pagan God And Gods Of Israel; Yahveh, The Terrible God of Israel; Holy Priests and Prophets of Yahveh; Bible Theology and Modern Truth; The Prophecies of Jesus Christ; The Inspired Harmony of the Gospels; More Harmony of the Gospels; The Sacred Doctrines of Christianity; The Christian Plan of Salvation; Revelations of the Hereafter; Cesset Superstitio! And Then?

Fishes, Flowers and Fire Worship
Catalog #: SKU2125

Studies into the ancient religions of Greece, Babylon, India, and Rome. Elements and Dieties in the Phallic Faiths and Worship

First And Last Things
Catalog #: SKU1384

Famous for his science fiction books and being radio-television personality H.G. Wells, was also a philosopher and truthseeker. This special reprint is one of those gems in philosophy from the author and radio host for the sci-fi show, 'War of the Worlds'.

Finding Lost Atlantis Inside the Hollow Earth
Catalog #: SKU0930

There at the center of the Earth, the Atlanteans still live in peace and tranquility away from the war-like elements of the surface dwellers.

In this work the author take sthe readers on an exploration like no other. Here are tales of polar openings, hidden civilizations, strange underground bases, Admiral Byrds' Top-Secret discoveries at the North and South poles, the central sun, the Shaver Mystery, and must more that will open your eyes to a "new reality" that you probably never realized existed.

Fiends, Ghosts, and Sprites
Catalog #: SKU3749

A belief in the supernatural has existed in all ages and among all nations. To trace the origin of this belief, the causes of the various modifications it has undergone, and the phases it has assumed, is, perhaps, one of the most interesting researches to which the mind can be given,-interesting, inasmuch as we find pervading every part of it the effects of those passions and affections which are most powerful and permanent in our nature.

Feeding the Flame
Catalog #: SKU1572

It saves a lot of letters if I tell you why I have a certain title; it is said, 'It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.' In my first ten books I have tried to light a candle, or possibly two. In this, the eleventh book, I am trying to Feed the Flame.

Fama Fraternitatis & Confessio Fraternitatis: Order of the Rosy Cross
Catalog #: SKU2705

This ancient esoteric manuscript discovered in 1615, is reproduced in new typeset for ease of reading and we've included facsimiles of the original pages of the booklet. A part of the hidden mysteries of the Order of the Rosy Cross.

Exoteric Duties of Free Masons
Catalog #: SKU2704

The author expounds on the spiritual side, duties, and responsibilities of Freemasons.

Evolution of Love
Catalog #: SKU1460

The object of this book, which is addressed to all cultured men and women, is to set forth the primitive manifestations of love and to throw light on those strange emotional climaxes which I have called "Metaphysical Eroticism."
