Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep

Esoteric - Spiritual


Cerberus: The Dog of Hades
Catalog #: SKU3353

Hermes, the guide of the dead, brings to Pluto's kingdom their psyches, "that gibber like bats, as they fare down the dank ways, past the streams of Okeanos, past the gates of the sun and the land of dreams, to the meadow of asphodel in the dark realm of Hades, where dwell the souls, the phantoms of men outworn."

Catalog #: SKU3386

The term clairvoyance (from 17th century French with clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses, a form of extra-sensory perception. A short study into understanding of clairvoyance.

Crystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing
Catalog #: SKU1208

The Purpose of this little volume is three-fold. (1) To give those who are interested in the art of Crystal-Gazing a clear and concise method of procedure, not alone in the practice of the work, but also in the preparation of the crystal itself, so that it becomes a true material basis or link with other planes. (2) To show that the Ancient Methods of Working -- if properly understood -- are more scientific than modern ones, since they were designed to insure a definite type of vision and to put the Seer in touch with definite Intelligences of a Higher Order. (3) To point out that there are other Crystalline Spheres besides the crystal ball at first used to contact them; and that eventually the practice may lead to very high results, if the necessary steps are taken to insure success.

Fiends, Ghosts, and Sprites
Catalog #: SKU3749

A belief in the supernatural has existed in all ages and among all nations. To trace the origin of this belief, the causes of the various modifications it has undergone, and the phases it has assumed, is, perhaps, one of the most interesting researches to which the mind can be given,-interesting, inasmuch as we find pervading every part of it the effects of those passions and affections which are most powerful and permanent in our nature.

In Days to Come
Catalog #: SKU3479

As spiritual pioneers of the New Age, there are many things to consider. Certainly the coming of the so-called Flying Saucers is a momentous "sign of the times," and the attitude taken towards them is an unmistakable measuring rod of your intelligence and spiritual status.

In the Land of the Living Dead
Catalog #: SKU2136

An Occult Story from the Rosicrucians - The Rosicrucians remain the most mysterious of all the arcane secret societies. This is an occult story by them during World War 1.

Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship
Catalog #: SKU0945

FAR back in the twilight of the pictured history of the past, the cross is found on the borders of the river Nile. A horizontal piece of wood fastened to an upright beam indicated the hight of the water in flood. This formed a cross, the Nileometer. If the stream failed to rise a certain hight in its proper season, no crops and no bread was the result. From famine on the one hand to plenty on the other, the cross came to be worshiped as a symbol of life and regeneration, or feared, as an image. of decay and death. This is one, so called, origin of the Cross.

My Visit to Venus
Catalog #: SKU1570

Rampa, in essence, became one of the first to talk of themselves in terms of being a "Walk-In." The lama stated his purpose in entering the body of the westerner .

Mysteries of Astrology
Catalog #: SKU3960

The wonders of magic, and the rise and progress of astrology, with the various branches of necromancy.

Mystic Test Book of the Hindu Occult Chambers
Catalog #: SKU4009

Hindu and Egyptian Crystal Gazing, Magic Mirror, Astral and Spiritual Sight, Inner Sight, Clairvoyance, Astral Auras, Telepathy

Nixon's Cheshire Prophecies
Catalog #: SKU3585

Some of the most curious prophecies, coming from England in the 18th century. Includes a synopsis of other prophecies, including one of Enoch and Seth.

Occultism and Common Sense
Catalog #: SKU3824

To those who have carefully studied the evidence there is, however, little doubt that telepathy does afford an adequate explanation of certain well-attested phenomena, such as phantasms of the living or dying person. And telepathy, which may now be considered as highly probable, leads on to the evidence for man's survival after death-to this I will return later on.

Power of Concentration
Catalog #: SKU0817

We all know that in order to accomplish a certain thing we must concentrate. It is of the utmost value to learn how to concentrate. To make a success of anything you must be able to concentrate your entire thought upon the idea you are working out.

Psycho-Phone Messages
Catalog #: SKU3449

The word "psycho-phone" was first suggested and used by Mr. Francis Grierson in a lecture I heard him deliver before the Toronto Theosophical Society, August 31st, 1919, a year before Thomas Edison announced his intention of devising an instrument which he hopes will serve to establish intercourse between our world and the world of spirit.

Sex Morality : Past, Present, and Future
Catalog #: SKU0962

This thesis on sexual morality was originally published in 1919 at the beginning of the sexual revolution of the 'Roaring Twenties'. It was a medical and scholarly look at both sides of the Sexual Morality issue. Excellent research material.
