Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep

Esoteric - Spiritual


Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia
Catalog #: SKU2432

The Babylonian and Assyrian incantations and chants to ward off the demons and ghouls. Translated from the cuneiform tablets.

Freemasonry Manual 1861 Edition
Catalog #: SKU2108

A massive volume on the rites and traditions of Freemasonry

Golden Bough - Abridged One Volume Edition - Study of Magic and Religion
Catalog #: SKU1607

THE PRIMARY aim of this book is to explain the remarkable rule which regulated the succession to the priesthood of Diana at Aricia. When I first set myself to solve the problem more than thirty years ago, I thought that the solution could be propounded very briefly, but I soon found that to render it probable or even intelligible it was necessary to discuss certain more general questions, some of which had hardly been broached before.

Real History of the Rosicrucians
Catalog #: SKU1421

BENEATH the broad tide of human history there flow the stealthy undercurrents of the secret societies, which frequently determine in the depths the changes that take place upon the surface. These societies have existed in all ages and among all nations, and tradition has invariably ascribed to them the possession of important knowledge in the religious scientific or political order according to the various character of their pretensions.

Secret Life of Paul Villa
Catalog #: SKU2286

Very little has ever been written about Apolinar Villa and his remarkable long term ongoing UFO contacts with alien extraterrestrial human beings and his several remarkable series of photographs of the posed alien ships.

Secrets of Egyptian Spellcasting
Catalog #: SKU1559

Magick has been with us since the beginning of time. When man first became aware of himself and his surroundings, he looked up into the heavens and saw the ultimate energies that permeate the universe. The first priests and shamans realized that this universal energy also courses through the very being of all that inhabit this universe, and the infinite number of universes that make up creation.

Sepher Ha-Zohar : Book of Light
Catalog #: SKU1440

The ancient Jews were not different from other nations in having occult schools and institutions in which secret doctrines were inculcated and imparted to neophytes, or the sons of the prophets, as they are termed in the Bible.

Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions
Catalog #: SKU0217

Special Reprint! (1882) a Comparison of the Old and New Testament Myths and Miracles with Those of Heathen Nations of Antiquity Considering also Their Origin and Meaning.

Missing Link in Modern Spiritualism
Catalog #: SKU3690

It is not that the history of Spiritual Manifestations in this century and country has not again and again been written, nor that a library of the splendid literature of Spiritualism-narrative, philosophical, and religious-does not already exist, that I have deemed it a duty to give this history to the world.

Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa - Volume 1
Catalog #: SKU1365

The object of a translator should ever be to hold the mirror up to his author. That being so, his chief duty is to represent so far as practicable the manner in which his author's ideas have been expressed, retaining if possible at the sacrifice of idiom and taste all the peculiarities of his author's imagery and of language as well. In regard to translations from the Sanskrit, nothing is easier than to dish up Hindu ideas, so as to make them agreeable to English taste. But the endeavour of the present translator has been to give in the following pages as literal a rendering as possible of the great work of Vyasa.

Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa - Volume 2
Catalog #: SKU1366

The object of a translator should ever be to hold the mirror up to his author. That being so, his chief duty is to represent so far as practicable the manner in which his author's ideas have been expressed, retaining if possible at the sacrifice of idiom and taste all the peculiarities of his author's imagery and of language as well. In regard to translations from the Sanskrit, nothing is easier than to dish up Hindu ideas, so as to make them agreeable to English taste. But the endeavour of the present translator has been to give in the following pages as literal a rendering as possible of the great work of Vyasa.

Demonology and Witchcraft
Catalog #: SKU2318

Written in 1830, Sir Walter Scott reveals mankind's history with demons and witches. This is an exhaustive study into demons and witches in the ancient religions.

Dragon, Image, and Demon: Three Religions of China
Catalog #: SKU2252

Study the symbolism within the three major religions of China. Written by a Christian missionary preacher, intended to expose these religions as evil and idolatrous, the author did however reveal many unknown facts about these religions.

Evil Eye
Catalog #: SKU1483

THERE be none of the affections which have been noted to fascinate or to bewitch, but love and envy; they both have vehement wishes, they frame themselves readily into imaginations and suggestions, and they come easily into the eye, especially upon the presence of the objects which are the points that conduce to fascination, if any such there be. We see likewise the Scripture calleth envy an evil eye."

Forgery in Christianity
Catalog #: SKU0215

An Exposition of the Fables and Mythology of the Bible and the Fallacies of Theology. Contents: The Menace of Religious Intolerance; Genesis of Christianity; A Sketch of Hebrew Scriptures; The Patriarchs and the Covenants of Yahveh; Wonders of the Exodus; Forty Years in the Wilderness; The Ten Commandments and the Law; Conquest of the Promised Land; Hebrew-Heathen Religion, Sex Worship and Idols; Pagan God And Gods Of Israel; Yahveh, The Terrible God of Israel; Holy Priests and Prophets of Yahveh; Bible Theology and Modern Truth; The Prophecies of Jesus Christ; The Inspired Harmony of the Gospels; More Harmony of the Gospels; The Sacred Doctrines of Christianity; The Christian Plan of Salvation; Revelations of the Hereafter; Cesset Superstitio! And Then?
