Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep

Esoteric - Spiritual


Life of Reason Vol. 4
Catalog #: SKU1340

Man exists amid a universal ferment of being, and not only needs plasticity in his habits and pursuits but finds plasticity also in the surrounding world. Life is an equilibrium which is maintained now by accepting modification and now by imposing it.

Life of Reason Vol. 5
Catalog #: SKU1341

Science is so new a thing and so far from final, it seems to the layman so hopelessly accurate and extensive, that a moralist may well feel some diffidence in trying to estimate its achievements and promises at their human worth.

Mystery of Francis Bacon
Catalog #: SKU0842

Is there a mystery connected with the life of Francis Bacon? The average student of history or literature will unhesitatingly reply in the negative, perhaps qualifying his answer by adding:--Unless it be a mystery that a man with such magnificent intellectual attainments could have fallen so low as to prove a faithless friend to a generous benefactor in the hour of his trial, and, upon being raised to one of the highest positions of honour and influence in the State, to become a corrupt public servant and a receiver of bribes to pervert justice.

Nature Mysticism
Catalog #: SKU1317

A wave of Mysticism is passing over the civilised nations. It is welcomed by many: by more it is mistrusted. Even the minds to which it would naturally appeal are often restrained from sympathy by fears of vague speculative driftings and of transcendental emotionalism. Nor can it be doubted that such an attitude of aloofness is at once reasonable and inevitable.

Nostradamus - The Man Who Saw Through Time
Catalog #: SKU3894

THE RICH, ACTIVELY FULFILLED LIFE of the French prophet, Michel de Nostradame, is the story of genius not only in its rarest but its most modern form. His ability foreshadowed a hope, now gaining a first hearing in this our day, that science may, in some not too remote tomorrow, discover principles of mental forces which will permit every man to realize within himself a reflection of the powers of Nostradamus.

Our Hidden Forces
Catalog #: SKU3396

An Experimental Study of the Psychic Sciences

Private Sea, The - The Forbidden Knowledge Series
Catalog #: SKU1611

At a party in Chicago, a young man under the influence of LSD seized a live kitten and ate it. Later, in an effort to explain his action, he said he had felt an urgent need to experience everything. The story is revolting, of course, and possibly apocryphal;

Raphael's Ancient Manuscript of Talismanic Magic
Catalog #: SKU0117

An odd book on talismanic magic spells because it was published in the author's handwriting instead of type-setting, yet, it is still readable over a hundred years after the original printing. This small book is a treasure trove of information on cabbalistic magic.

Ruin of Britain : Penitential, Lorica Of Gildas
Catalog #: SKU1281

IN the present edition, it is intended to publish in a collected form the works ascribed to Gildas for which, roughly speaking, a date is assigned during the twenty years that elapsed between A.D. 540 and 560. The earliest references to Gildas that have come down to us are the two made by Columbanus in his letter to St. Gregory the Great, which must have been written between thirty and forty years after the death of the British writer (i.e., A.D. 595-600).

Catalog #: SKU4026

A Life filled with the supernatural. Apparitions, Visions, Second Sight, Hypnotic Trances, Weird Mystic Ceremonies, Indian Magicians, Religious Rites.. and more in this biography.

Spirit Intercourse
Catalog #: SKU4027

A manual of mediumship, covering all phases of becoming an accomplished medium.

Story of the Royal Arch
Catalog #: SKU2747

A foundation of the Royal Arch in Masonry, reaching back into Antiquity, the Temple of Solomon and more...

Three Sevens
Catalog #: SKU4032

A story of Hermetic practice, astral projection, and mysticism.

Ways of the Lonely Ones
Catalog #: SKU1197

This reprint is from the famous mystic teacher and author of 'Secret of All Ages', Manly P. Hall.
From the Introduction: Life is not merely what it seems to be. Hidden from our eyes by the cloak of materiality is a wonderful world which only the eyes of the dreamer can see and the soul of the mystic comprehend. The stony walls of conventionalized -thought and commercalized ideals shut from the view life's noble path. But as the ages pass, some see, some comprehend the greatness of the Divine Plan and the glorious destiny of the human r soul. Sorrow, suffering and loneliness are the great builders of character. Man never becomes truly great until his heart is broken. That is the supreme test.

Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire
Catalog #: SKU1573

The minds of men today are stirred with eager questionings about the origin of civilization and about the part the different races of mankind played in its development from primitive ages.
