Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep

Esoteric - Spiritual


Jewish Magic and Superstition
Catalog #: SKU1718

I hope that the readers of this book will find in it some little contribution to our knowledge of the history of thought-not of Jewish thought alone, but of human thought. For superstition and magic are universal and uniform in their manifestations, and constitute an important chapter in the progress of man's ideas; those minor variations that appear here and there are but reflections of the infinite variety and ingenuity of the human mind.

Science of Fairy Tales, The
Catalog #: SKU1726

Fairy Tales, fall under two heads. Under the first we may place all those stories which relate to definite supernatural beings, or definite orders of supernatural beings, held really to exist, and the scenes of which are usually laid in some specified locality. Stories belonging to this class do not necessarily, however, deal with the supernatural. Often they are told of historical heroes, or persons believed to have once lived.

Myths and Legends Of Ancient Greece And Rome
Catalog #: SKU1730

Greece and Rome- The two civilizations that have been the insight, source, and creation of most modern government theory and the West's major religions. Explore the great mysteries of these founding fathers of modern civilization.

Chaldea : From The Earliest Times To The Rise Of Assyria
Catalog #: SKU1734

From Ancient Times, Biblical Times and in Modern Times.. Chaldea.. the Land of the Chaldees has been the source of esoteric mysteries, home of the Magi, the beginning of Judaism and many other religions. It is a habitual hotbed of wars and conquests. What is it about this mysterious desert land that attracts the attention of world powers and religions?

How to Contact Space People
Catalog #: SKU1741

Global Communications brings back to print the mysterious writings and experiences of Ted Owens. Have we been sent-and ignored-messages from spacemen? Do the Saucer Intelligences control our weather, our civilization, our very lives with their incredibly advanced science? Has one man, Ted Owens, really been selected to "relay" their warnings and predictions?

Christianity as Mystical Fact
Catalog #: SKU1754

A kind of mysterious veil hangs over the manner in which spiritual needs were satisfied during the older civilisations by those who sought a deeper religious life and fuller knowledge than the popular religions offered. If we inquire how these needs were satisfied, we find ourselves led into the dim twilight of the mysteries, and the individual seeking them disappears for a time from our observation.

Shadow Land : Light From The Other Side
Catalog #: SKU1755

What a new field for science! A missionary spirit inspired you and you were ready for any sacrifice for the triumph of the truth of spirit intercourse. The greatest mystery of this life is what comes after this life-- this author explores those realms.

Signature Of All Things, The
Catalog #: SKU1758

THIS book is a true mystical mirror of the highest wisdom. The best treasure that a man can attain unto in this world is true knowledge; even the knowledge of himself: For man is the great mystery of God, the microcosm, or the complete abridgment of the whole universe

From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe
Catalog #: SKU1759

In this little treatise I am presenting to all students of nature great things to observe and to consider. Great as much because of their intrinsic excellence as of their absolute novelty, and also on account of the instrument by the aid of which they have made themselves accessible to our senses.

Witchcraft, Sorcery and Superstition : La Sorciere
Catalog #: SKU1760

All primitive peoples start alike; this we see again and again in the accounts given by travellers. Man hunts and fights. Woman contrives and dreams; she is the mother of fancy, of the gods. She possesses glimpses of the second sight, and has wings to soar into the infinitude of longing and imagination. The better to count the seasons, she scans the sky. But earth has her heart as well.

Wanderer In The Spirit Lands, A
Catalog #: SKU1767

I have had to write the words as fast as my pen could travel over the paper, and many of the experiences described and opinions advanced are quite contrary to what I myself believed to be in accordance with the conditions of life in the world of spirits.

Way of Power, The : Studies in the Occult
Catalog #: SKU1768

I have spoken of the science of the occult as standing on the tripod of the psychic, intellectual and physical and I might have said much more on all three, as India has done in her great teachings. But in such matters it is wise to be extremely practical and to begin at the beginning and with something entirely in one's own control

Hermetic Museum, The (2 Volume Set)
Catalog #: SKU1770

This compendium of alchemist writings assembled by TGS Publishing is indeed a library to behold.
THE HERMETIC MUSEUM represents a distinctive school in Alchemy.

Dawn of the Awakened Mind
Catalog #: SKU1778

Is there life on the other side? This author knows there is! His communications with people that have crossed over were written down so the whole world would know. Interesting reprint of the author's research into the spirit world.

Lost Worlds and Underground Mysteries of the Far East
Catalog #: SKU1779

This wonderful reprint investigates from an objective mind the strange customs and traditions of the religions of India. The author has experiences that cannot be explained away as fraud and tricksters, and he relates many of the con-artist's tricks in India. The book kept us at HiddenMysteries spellbound reading it from cover to cover.
