Mysteries Elite


Blueprint for a Better World
Atlantis Conspiracy
Kill Zone : A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza
Adepts of Deceit - Two Volume Set
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged



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Doorway to Hell : Disaster in Somalia
Catalog #: SKU0548

The mission was to feed the hungry, cure the sick, and bring peace to a country in anarchy. No formal government or organized infrastructure existed in this fourth world country governed by war lords and their armed bands of "gunmen." Operations "Restore Hope" and "Continue Hope" were planned and implemented to bring order to chaos. Unfortunately, what should have been a victory for the United Nations deteriorated into a humiliating defeat of massive proportions.

Kill Zone : A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza
Catalog #: SKU0547

As he looked down into what the US Government maintains was the kill zone used by Lee Harvey Oswald, he immediately knew that the Warren Commission's verdict that Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots in 5.6 seconds from a bolt-action rifle, killing John F. Kennedy was a lie.

Traitors and Treason
Catalog #: SKU0516

What's your traitor-treason I.Q.? If you can answer the following questions, it's high. If you miss one or more, you should carefully read Traitors & Treason.

Atlantis Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU0506

THE ATLANTIS CONSPIRACY summarizes the evidence that the world today is slowly coming under the control of a group of conspirators whose secret organization began some 12,000 years ago in legendary Atlantis. This book "connects the dots", showing the pattern behind UFOs, the paranormal, lost civilizations, and sinister events such as the Kennedy assassination.

Bloodlines of the Illuminati
Catalog #: SKU0495

Bloodlines of the Illuminati is a unique historical genealogical who's-doing-it book, rich in detail, providing a devastating expos

Awaken the Sleeping Giant
Catalog #: SKU0444

"Awaken Sleeping Giant" delves into the morass of politics, reveals the powers behind the scenes controlling world affairs, and explores global issues not broached by the mainstream media. The information in this book affects each and every individual in the world.

Stupid White Men
Catalog #: SKU0423

The government has been seized by a ne'er-do-well rich boy and his elderly henchmen . . . Our great economic expansion is unraveling faster than a set of Firestones . . . Our water is poisoned, the ozone's in shreds, and the SUVs are advancing like a plague of locusts . . .

Catalog #: SKU0415

What follows is a set of interviews conducted with Noam Chomsky by a variety of interviewers during the first month following the attacks of September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The interviews were conducted largely via email, many with foreign journalists who speak and write English as a second language.

Toxic Psychiatry
Catalog #: SKU0413

TOXIC PSYCHIATRY: Why therapy, empathy, and love must replace the drugs, electroshock, and biochemical theories of the "new psychiatry." n this searing, myth-shattering expose', psychiatrist Peter R. Breggin, M.D., breaks through the hype and false promises surrounding the "New Psychiatry." He shows how dangerous, even potentially brain-damaging, many of its drugs and treatments are.

Catalog #: SKU0407

Even if you've suspected your nightly news is slanted to the left, it's far worse than you think. In this jaw-dropping expos

Stargate Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU0359

Revealing the truth behind extraterrestrial contact, military intelligence and the mysteries of Ancient Egypt. The Stargate Conspiracy exposes the most insidious, disturbing - and successful - mass manipulation of our times. Designed to bring us, hearts, minds and souls under the total control of the conspirators, this sinister programme has ruthlessly exploited our Millennial craving for signs and wonders - even hijacking the predicted return of the ancient gods.

I Rode With Tupper
Catalog #: SKU0340

The information found in I Rode with Tupper, although written in 1992, is timeless. The story of the IRS's persecution, prosecution, and then more persecution of this author, pianist, songwriter, and passive resistor F. Tupper Saussy is also a ride through history. As in most of his writings, J. Patrick Shannan feeds the reader much more than just the story line. As one talk show host put it, "I would have to read fifty books to get the information provided here."

It Doesn't Have To Be Like This
Catalog #: SKU0327

This book lets you see the early 'grassroot movement' of the Green Party -- when the party goals were ideals for planet earth -- before the party became corrupted with non-green goals and agendas, corrupted with special interest groups, corrupted with the agenda of denying freedom to freedom loving people around the world, corrupted by lawyers, corrupted by money, corrupted with religion politics, corrupted with fascists, corrupted with a eye for tyrannical control of the people -- leaving it little more than just another political party whose goals are now only self-serving ---

Germany and the Jews
Catalog #: SKU0324

A rare article republished by the famous historical researcher Nesta H. Webster (Julian Sterne).

Federal Reserve : Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU0323

Federal Reserve, The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy, by Gary Allen, author of "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" and "The Rockefeller Files" is the story in a nutshell of how the Federal Reserve stole the wealth of the people of the United States.

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