Mysteries Elite


Blueprint for a Better World
Atlantis Conspiracy
Kill Zone : A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza
Adepts of Deceit - Two Volume Set
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged



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Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved The American People
Catalog #: SKU4024

Republics are lost because their guardians - the people - entrust them to scheming politicians. We did not profit by the experience of other Republics, but followed in their footsteps, - and in their downfall we see our pending doom.

Revealing The Bizarre Powers of Harry Houdini
Catalog #: SKU2889

What twelve-year-old boy wouldn't be fascinated by the likes of Harry Houdini, the greatest escape artist who ever lived and an unprecedented talent among magicians? He came along at the height of an international media frenzy where attention was being given for the first time to celebrities on both sides of the great Atlantic Ocean. He also was a master showman who knew the meaning of "hype" well over half a century before the word became part of our lexicon. Above all else, he was a master manipulator on and off the stage. To use a well-worn phrase . . . the spin stops here!

Catalog #: SKU2879

An exhaustive study into the hypothesis that Francis Bacon and William Shakespeare were one and the same person.

American Goliah
Catalog #: SKU2878

A PETRIFIED GIANT Ten And One-Half Feet High Discovered In Onondaga County, N.Y.
History of the discovery on October 16, 1869, of an image of stone, the same being a perfectly formed and well developed man, descriptions of the petrification, with the opinions of scientific men thereon.

Many Secrets Revealed: Ten Years Behind the Scenes In Washington City
Catalog #: SKU2730

Peer behind the scenes of America's city of sin and corruption, Washington, D.C.

Free Free Trade NOT the International Law of the Almighty - Special Collection Debunking the Insane Free Trade Nonsense
Catalog #: SKU2695

Free Trade is NOT of Christianity! Free Trade does not work! Free Trade is dangerous! The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings. IT IS NOT A RELIGIOUS PRECEPT!

Free Trade Under Protection - Rise and Decline of the Free Trade Movement
Catalog #: SKU2690

An objective look at the failure of Free Trade and its causation of the British economic depression of 1846. The author attempts to remain neutral showing good and damaging aspects of Free Trade and of Protectionism. The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings.

Free Trade Folly - Free Trade and its So-Called Sophisms
Catalog #: SKU2689

Why Free Trade does not work! Why Free Trade is dangerous! The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings. Free Trade applications always put the economic and financial health of a people and nation into the hands of greed, (mercantilism and corporatism).

Case Against Free Trade - Free Trade Delusions
Catalog #: SKU2686

Why Free Trade does not work! Why Free Trade is dangerous! The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings.

Free Trade and a Fettered Currency - Cheap Corn But No Bread
Catalog #: SKU2683

The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings. Free Trade applications always put the economic and financial health of a people and nation into the hands of greed, (mercantilism and corporatism). Free Trade should not be confused with capitalism, since free trade theory has perverted the ideals of capitalism.

Taxpayer Manual of the Republican Radical Rump Congress
Catalog #: SKU2682

This is really an expose of what the 1861 GOP Federal war against the Southern States was about... unconstitutional federal taxes imposed by the GOP-FEDS! The real conservatives left the union because of the illegal federalization of the national government by the GOP.

Girl Who Disappeared, The
Catalog #: SKU2611

Story of one girl's plight dealing with white slavery and the government's blind eye to the atrocities in Chicago.

Can Such Things Be? Story of a White Slave
Catalog #: SKU2604

White slavery is slavery in its most vile form, unlike the type slavery the USA had in the 1700-1800s, where the slave auction was open and public, and ownership was transferred by property title. White slavery is abduction, kidnapping, and seducing young boys and women into a hidden world of sexual slavery.

Brainwashing of America
Catalog #: SKU2499

The USA is no longer a democratic nation of republics - It no longer practices a republican form of government. This little tome investigates the WHY---

Curse of the Giants
Catalog #: SKU2431

The Giants of American finance and business exposed for the crimes against the people and the US Government.

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