Story of one girl's plight dealing with white slavery and the government's blind eye to the atrocities in Chicago.
The New Toryism, is of primary importance just now, because it shows the contrast between the aims and methods of early Liberalism and those of modern Liberalism. In these days we hear a great deal about Liberalism, Liberal principles and policies, in the conduct of our public life. All sorts and conditions of men put themselves forward on the public stage as Liberals; they call those who oppose them Tories, and get credit with the public thereby. In the public mind, Liberalism is a term of hon our, while Toryism - especially "economic Toryism" - is a term of reproach.
THE LAND OF INEQUALITY : NOTHING can be more surprising to the thoughtful observer than the social inequality existing in the United States--a country which Mr. Bryce says Europeans early in the nineteenth century deemed to be pre
Finally, here's the evidence! The US Government's own documents revealing it's involvement in MIND CONTROL projects. These classified documents, once hidden from public knowledge and scrutiny, under the 'guise' of National Security, are now showing the National Shame and National Abuse of WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, by their own government and its 'so-called' leaders.
Phil Schneider, a very brave man, lost his life due to what appeared to be a military-style execution in January 1996. He was found dead in his apartment with piano wire still wrapped around his neck. According to some sources, he had been brutally tortured repeated before being killed. Phil Schneider was an ex-government engineer who was involved in building underground bases.
The author describes the organized subversive movements against civilization and Christianity as directed by the Secret Societies, and traces their origins to the beginnings of the Christian era.
One Woman's Spiritual Journey From The Depths Of Covert Government Mind-Control Experiments To The Height Of Healing And Awakening.
Are you looking for Atlantis, the highly advanced "ancient" society that destroyed itself through greed and war ages ago? Then look around you and understand that Atlantis is reincarnated in the present society and that you are a citizen of the new Atlantis . . . commonly known as the United States of America!
An expose of the dark and critical role secret societies play within the ruling families in America and their influence on American democracy, current events, and world history.
What's your traitor-treason I.Q.? If you can answer the following questions, it's high. If you miss one or more, you should carefully read Traitors & Treason.
An exhaustive study into the hypothesis that Francis Bacon and William Shakespeare were one and the same person.
I am only sounding brass; with the aid of your attention, I will speak marvels. Do you see this passing whirlwind called SOCIETY, from which burst forth, with startling brilliancy, lightnings, thunders, and voices? I wish to cause you to place your finger on the hidden springs which move it; but to that end you must reduce yourself at my command to a state of pure intelligence. The eyes of love and pleasure are powerless to recognize beauty in a skeleton, harmony in naked viscera, life in dark and coagulated blood: consequently the secrets of the social organism are a sealed letter to the man whose brain is beclouded by passion and prejudice. Such sublimities are unattainable except by cold and silent contemplation.
Hundreds of topics are covered in this closely typeset --shrink-wrapped--set that has been specifically compiled for the student of New Age conspiracies. Meant for a select audience who needs to know the truth about these many hidden subjects.
This obscure work about the Banking Panic of 1907 is an eye opener in today's financial collapse. The Panic of 1907, same problems, same banks, same players, same failed solutions rammed through Congress -- Does history repeat itself?
Professor Antony C. Sutton proves that World War II was not only well planned, it was also extremely profitable - for a select group of financial insiders. Carefully tracing this closely guarded secret through original documents and eyewitness accounts, Sutton documents the roles played by J.P Morgan, T.W. Lamont, the Rockefeller interests, Manhattan banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, and scores of other business elitists.