The last line of the UPI press release says the manuscript would be republished December 1 of 1982. On January 4, 1983, we received word that the publisher had 'changed his mind' and would not reprint the document. No reason was given. So, in the last 50 years this book has been suppressed twice. What forces caused this remain unknown, but if they are that powerful, we have every reason to believe that we'll be hearing from them at a future date.
A PETRIFIED GIANT Ten And One-Half Feet High Discovered In Onondaga County, N.Y.
History of the discovery on October 16, 1869, of an image of stone, the same being a perfectly formed and well developed man, descriptions of the petrification, with the opinions of scientific men thereon.
Free Trade is NOT of Christianity! Free Trade does not work! Free Trade is dangerous! The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings. IT IS NOT A RELIGIOUS PRECEPT!
This is the first book that details hour by hour the events that led up to passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - and the many decades of work and secret planning that private bankers had invested to obtain their money monopoly.
The colossal political and financial organization centered in London, known as "The city," operates as a super-government of the world; and no incident has occurred anywhere in the world without its participation in some form. Its pretentions are supported in the U.S. by the secret International Pilgrim Society, sponsor of the Cecil Rhodes "One World" ideology which was launched about 1897.
This is not a law book. This is not even a 'how-to book.' Gee, I'm not sure what kind of book this is. All I know is that I've been through a federal trial, conviction, and sentencing in the last two years, along with my husband. I learned a lot of things that I believe other people ought to know. So, I guess this is a 'Preparedness Manual' of some sort.
As he looked down into what the US Government maintains was the kill zone used by Lee Harvey Oswald, he immediately knew that the Warren Commission's verdict that Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots in 5.6 seconds from a bolt-action rifle, killing John F. Kennedy was a lie.
Republics are lost because their guardians - the people - entrust them to scheming politicians. We did not profit by the experience of other Republics, but followed in their footsteps, - and in their downfall we see our pending doom.
This Jewish author reveals a startling, inside "Account of the Persecution
of the World by Israel on All the Frontiers of Civilization"
THOUGH a state of war was declared to exist between Britain and Germany in September of 1939, it very soon became apparent that no war was being conducted by Germany against this country. This was no surprise to those who knew the facts of the case.
An exposure of power politics which is heading mankind into a One World dictatorship. How the international financiers have backed the military confrontations of this century to destroy the sovereign independence of numerous countries. An assault on patriotism worldwide by New York bankers, the U.N. and Zionism.
his absorbing text traces the occult influence of secret societies on politics and statecraft through the centuries from ancient Egypt to the present era, showing how they affected such well-known historical figures such as John Dee, Frederick the Great, Francis Bacon, Benjamin Franklin, Helen Blavatsky, Rasputin, and Woodrow Wilson.
This is really an expose of what the 1861 GOP Federal war against the Southern States was about... unconstitutional federal taxes imposed by the GOP-FEDS! The real conservatives left the union because of the illegal federalization of the national government by the GOP.
The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by New York baner David Rockefeller, then Chairman of the Chase Manhatten Bank, and Harvard University academic Zbignieuw Brzezinski, later to become National Security Assistant to President Jimmy Carter.
Drinking sufficient quantities of water is a necessity for optimal physical functioning, but it can also play a major role in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Chronic fatigue, depression, eczema, rheumatism, gastric disorders, high or low blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and urinary infections are but a few of the many disorders that can result from not drinking enough water--and which can be treated by raising our intake of this vital liquid.