Money Economics Economics


Miracle On Main Street
Science of Getting Rich
Natural Economic Order
USURY : A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View
Shamelessly Rich



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Fed UP - The Enemy Within (Download PDF Edition)
Catalog #: SKU0100

Mr. Thomas D. Schauf, worked up his report, to clear up questions he had received about the Federal Reserve Bank (FED). Mr. Schauf spent a great deal of time researching the FED. The resulting, shocking and revealing conclusions are as follows.

Free Free Trade NOT the International Law of the Almighty - Special Collection Debunking the Insane Free Trade Nonsense
Catalog #: SKU2695

Free Trade is NOT of Christianity! Free Trade does not work! Free Trade is dangerous! The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings. IT IS NOT A RELIGIOUS PRECEPT!

Free Trade and a Fettered Currency - Cheap Corn But No Bread
Catalog #: SKU2683

The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings. Free Trade applications always put the economic and financial health of a people and nation into the hands of greed, (mercantilism and corporatism). Free Trade should not be confused with capitalism, since free trade theory has perverted the ideals of capitalism.

Free Trade Folly - Free Trade and its So-Called Sophisms
Catalog #: SKU2689

Why Free Trade does not work! Why Free Trade is dangerous! The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings. Free Trade applications always put the economic and financial health of a people and nation into the hands of greed, (mercantilism and corporatism).

Free Trade Under Protection - Rise and Decline of the Free Trade Movement
Catalog #: SKU2690

An objective look at the failure of Free Trade and its causation of the British economic depression of 1846. The author attempts to remain neutral showing good and damaging aspects of Free Trade and of Protectionism. The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings.

Freeland- A Social Anticipation
Catalog #: SKU3274

The economic and social order of the modern world exhibits a strange enigma, which only a prosperous thoughtlessness can regard with indifference or, indeed, without a shudder. We have made such splendid advances in art and science that the unlimited forces of nature have been brought into subjection, and only await our command to perform for us all our disagreeable and onerous tasks, and to wring from the soil and prepare for use whatever man, the master of the world, may need.

Getting Gold
Catalog #: SKU1305

What has been aimed at is to make "Getting Gold" a compendium, in specially concrete form, of useful information respecting the processes of winning from the soil and the after-treatment of gold and gold ores, including some original practical discoveries by the author.

Great Paper Bubble
Catalog #: SKU3994

Written during the US War of Aggression and Occupation of the Southern States, the author predicted the harm of paper money, not backed by substance. His predictions have come true in the 1890s, 1900s, 1930s, and as late as 2008 when the paper money banksters almost crashed the financial system. Why O Why do the Illiterates of Congress allow this cycle to continue, and each time it bails out the same criminals that caused the bubble to almost burst. In the past 10 years the bubble has inflated 100 times its normal rate.... will we all have to suffer because of illiterate, greedy, politicians since the banksters want it all?

It Doesn't Have To Be Like This
Catalog #: SKU0327

This book lets you see the early 'grassroot movement' of the Green Party -- when the party goals were ideals for planet earth -- before the party became corrupted with non-green goals and agendas, corrupted with special interest groups, corrupted with the agenda of denying freedom to freedom loving people around the world, corrupted by lawyers, corrupted by money, corrupted with religion politics, corrupted with fascists, corrupted with a eye for tyrannical control of the people -- leaving it little more than just another political party whose goals are now only self-serving ---

Made Over Dishes
Catalog #: SKU1353

Wise forethought, which means economy, stands as the first of domestic duties. Poverty in no way affects skill in the preparation of food. The object of cooking is to draw out the proper flavor of each individual ingredient used in the preparation of a dish, and render it more easy of digestion. Admirable flavorings are given by the little leftovers of vegetables that too often find their way into the garbage bucket.

Many Ways for Cooking Eggs
Catalog #: SKU1354

Any single food containing all the elements necessary to supply the requirements of the body is called a complete or typical food. Milk and eggs are frequently so called, because they sustain the young animals of their kind during a period of rapid growth. Nevertheless, neither of these foods forms a perfect diet for the human adult. Both are highly nutritious, but incomplete.

Menace of Prohibition
Catalog #: SKU3261

The remotest possibility of the success of such an unjust, un-American, illiberal and dangerous form of tyranny in government, should alarm the American people beyond and above every other question, even that of war; and should set them to the task of a close analysis of the subject and trend of Prohibition.

Miracle On Main Street
Catalog #: SKU0136

The reality of this book is: IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT'S HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE, YOU CAN FIX IT. You can fix it without cheating anyone, without counseling with experts, without subscribing to any newsletter that keeps you posted on inside info, without writing Washington or getting involved in politics, without organizing, and without spending a penny unless you choose to.

Mortgage Evil
Catalog #: SKU3970

Written a hundred years ago, this author's prophetic utterings keep coming true, as the banksters rape and pillage government treasuries around the world, and steal away people's properties in perpetuation of their sins and crimes.

National Independence
Catalog #: SKU4044

The Fatalism of Laissez Faire, its doom of successful employment.

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