Money Economics Economics


Miracle On Main Street
Science of Getting Rich
Natural Economic Order
USURY : A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View
Shamelessly Rich



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Wealth of Nations
Catalog #: SKU2290

You hear this book referred ad naseum by politicos espousing 'free trade' and 'lassiez faire', but few of these mouthpieces have ever read the book that they proclaim as their sacred manifesto.

Freeland- A Social Anticipation
Catalog #: SKU3274

The economic and social order of the modern world exhibits a strange enigma, which only a prosperous thoughtlessness can regard with indifference or, indeed, without a shudder. We have made such splendid advances in art and science that the unlimited forces of nature have been brought into subjection, and only await our command to perform for us all our disagreeable and onerous tasks, and to wring from the soil and prepare for use whatever man, the master of the world, may need.

Shamelessly Rich
Catalog #: SKU2517

How You Can Get Shamelessly Rich With Your Own Home Based Business - Though this topic is not our usual forte, we were impressed by the amount of research and details that went into creating it. If you're in a home business, this one is well worth the read.

Distributive Justice
Catalog #: SKU3989

Distributive justice is primarily a problem of incomes rather than of possessions. It is not immediately concerned with John Brown's railway stock, John White's house, or John Smith's automobile. It deals with the morality of such possessions only indirectly and under one aspect; that is, in so far as they have been acquired through income.

Divine Money Spells
Catalog #: SKU2412

Jump Start Your Spiritual Economic Stimulus Package : There is a power in the universe. This power is the inexplicable force behind the wonders that early humans encountered. The Earth, the solar systems, the stars - all that is manifest - is a product of this power.

Evolution of Capitalism or The Philosophy of Misery
Catalog #: SKU1301

I am only sounding brass; with the aid of your attention, I will speak marvels. Do you see this passing whirlwind called SOCIETY, from which burst forth, with startling brilliancy, lightnings, thunders, and voices? I wish to cause you to place your finger on the hidden springs which move it; but to that end you must reduce yourself at my command to a state of pure intelligence. The eyes of love and pleasure are powerless to recognize beauty in a skeleton, harmony in naked viscera, life in dark and coagulated blood: consequently the secrets of the social organism are a sealed letter to the man whose brain is beclouded by passion and prejudice. Such sublimities are unattainable except by cold and silent contemplation.

Natural Economic Order
Catalog #: SKU0770

Gesell's celebrated work on monetary and social reform is a modern attempt to provide a solid basis for economic liberalism, the creed of Adam Smith and almost all the great nineteenth century economists in contrast to the twentieth century trend of collectivism and planned economy - accompanied by 'austerity', 'import restriction', 'dollar shortage', 'pegging the exchanges' and 'credit squeeze'.

List price: $21.95 save 9%
Free Trade Under Protection - Rise and Decline of the Free Trade Movement
Catalog #: SKU2690

An objective look at the failure of Free Trade and its causation of the British economic depression of 1846. The author attempts to remain neutral showing good and damaging aspects of Free Trade and of Protectionism. The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings.

Science of Money
Catalog #: SKU0887

This excellent book has been out of print now for quite some time. It is with pride that TGS Publishing is able to scan the original book and make it available to the public once again.

Natural Value : Austrian School and Theory of Value
Catalog #: SKU0776

Whence do things get their value? If we put the question to any intelligent and trained man of business, who had no knowledge of the various attempts of theorists towards an explanation of value, whose mind was unbiassed by the forms of speech which echo learned theories and have passed into ordinary business use, and who was, therefore, capable of judging only through the medium of his own personal experience, he would undoubtedly answer, as the first theorists did, -- "from their Utility."

Conquest of Bread, The
Catalog #: SKU1714

The Conquest of Bread is a revolutionary idyl, a beautiful outline sketch of a future society based on liberty, equality and fraternity. It is, in Kropotkin's own words, "a study of the needs of humanity, and of the economic means to satisfy them."

Catalog #: SKU0778

The word Wealth presents itself to different minds with such variety of meaning, that it will be best to begin by fixing on some conventional limit to the sense in which the term shall be used. The definition of Mr. Malthus is, of the many which have been proposed, perhaps the least objectionable and the most convenient. Wealth, according to him, consists of those material objects which are necessary, useful, or agreeable to mankind.

Next Step : Plan for Economic World Federation
Catalog #: SKU3524

Men progress in proportion as they are able to fit themselves for life, and to fit life to themselves. Both processes go on unceasingly. Recent economic changes have brought the remotest parts of the world into close contact with "civilization" at the same time that they have increased the dependence of one part of the world upon another part.

Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State
Catalog #: SKU3319

An eternal being created human society as it is to-day, and submission to 'superiors' and 'authority' is imposed on the 'lower' classes by divine will." This suggestion, coming from pulpit, platform and press, has hypnotized the minds of men and proves to be one of the strongest pillars of exploitation.

Alphabet of Economic Science
Catalog #: SKU3349

A short, but good refresher on the theory of economics. Economics influences nearly everything we do in the modern world.

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