Science Mysteries
Earth Sciences
They appear at night, complex designs mysteriously imprinted on fields of almost ripened grain. Nobody knows how they got there, or why. They leave the grain stalks in swirls, virtually undamaged. They exhibit mathematical precision. They demonstrate principles of geometry. They portray ancient religious symbols.
Exploring the world of plants and its relation to mankind as revealed by the latest discoveries of scientists, The Secret Life of Plants includes remarkable information about plants as lie detectors and plants as ecological sentinels; it describes their ability to adapt to human wishes, their response to music, their curative powers, and their ability to communicate with man.
THERE are some, King Gelon, who think that the number of the sand is infinite in multitude; and I mean by the sand not only that which exists about Syracuse and the rest of Sicily but also that which is found in every region whether inhabited or uninhabited.
A complete 1836 study into the Biblical flood.. its reality, factualness, and its evidences. Corroborated by Tradition, Mytholgy, and Geology
The object of the present work is to arrange and explain the names of European Rivers on a more comprehensive principle than has hitherto been attempted in England, or, to the best of my belief, in Germany.
One of the most striking effects of external disturbance on certain types of living substance is a visible change of form. Thus, a piece of muscle when pinched contracts. The external disturbance which produced this change is called the stimulus. The body which is thus capable of responding is said to be irritable or excitable. A stimulus thus produces a state of excitability which may sometimes be expressed by change of form.
"Science has a foundation, and so has religion; let them unite their foundations, and the basis will be broader, and they will be two compartments of one great fabric reared to the glory of God.
The world as you know it is one big lie. Everything that you thought was true is a lie. History as you know it, is a lie. Forget about the Bible and other Holy books, they too are all lies. Now take awhile to let that all sink in, as it is a lot to contemplate. It took me years to come to grips with these incredible truths
We have nothing to fear. The 'dragon' has already been slain on the inner planes, but, like all beings of the lizard family, it still has the propensity to flail its tail around to do as much damage as possible before it takes its last breath. I believe its breath is already becoming shallow and divine intervention is standing by."
The great world disaster, ushered in with the dawn of that August morning in 1914, has already brought revolutionary changes in many departments of our thinking. But not the least of the surprises awaiting an amazed world, whenever attention can again be directed to such subjects, will be the realization that we have now definitely outgrown many notions in science and philosophy which in the old order of things were supposed to have been eternally settled.
Pyramids of Montauk unveils the mysteries of Montauk Point and its select location for pyramids and time travel experimentation. An astonishing sequel to The Montauk Project and Montauk Revisited, this chapter of the legend awakens the consciousness of humanity to its ancient history and origins through the discovery of pyramids at Montauk.
When God created the world he truly did create everything in it. Just as herbs can be used for healing and for psychic means, so can all the stones that exist right around us.
Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods, and Human Cells - There just may be an invisible web that links all of creation, that shows up in the lab as impulses on a GSR, the EKG or the EEG. Come into the world of Biocommunication and see for your self.
For those enthusiasts that really want to reduce their carbon footprint, compressor-less ammonia air conditioning may be the key. Ice making houses existed BEFORE electricity and electric refrigerators. These old reprints give the practical applications that make it work.
Sound, frequency, music -- all these are being used for war, healing, exploration, and more. Can you control sound to benefit your life? Exhautive research into the application and effects of sound itself.