Science Mysteries Earth Sciences


Hollow Planets
Primary Perception
Synchronized Universe

Earth Sciences


Bi-Sexual Man - Evolution of the Sexes
Catalog #: SKU2179

Bisexual man: This idea of an androgenous original wo/man is where the Bible and evolutionist Darwin agree.

Polyphase Electric Currents
Catalog #: SKU2210

Detailed information in the use and application of polyphase currents. Valuable information to be able understand these laws of science in the event of a disaster.

Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla (Expanded Edition)
Catalog #: SKU2243

Discredited in his time, Nikola Tesla was made by business competitors and the government to be nothing more than a kook. However, these same conspirators later duplicated and stole many of Tesla's most fabulous inventions which could soon change the course of history.

Elements of Plumbing
Catalog #: SKU2253

In times of recession, depression, or simply trying to save a few buck, many maintenance chores, such as plumbing, can be accomplished by the most inexperienced home owner, or the less than handy-man. All you need is a basic understanding of what the plumbing is trying to do, and the instructions on how you can repair it. This reprint is excellent at explaining the principles of plumbing.

Joyous Art of Gardening
Catalog #: SKU2259

A Practical Treatise On The Tomato, Its History, Characteristics, Planting, Fertilization, Cultivation In Field, Garden, And Greenhouse, Harvesting, Packing, Storing, Marketing, Insect Enemies And Diseases, With Methods Of Control And Remedies,

Man and His Ancestor : A Study In Evolution
Catalog #: SKU2262

It would be difficult to find any intelligent person in this age of the world who has not some theory or opinion in regard to the origin of man, and perhaps almost as difficult to find any such person who can give a good and sufficient reason for the faith that is in him.

Tomato Culture
Catalog #: SKU2279

A Practical Treatise On The Tomato, Its History, Characteristics, Planting, Fertilization, Cultivation In Field, Garden, And Greenhouse, Harvesting, Packing, Storing, Marketing, Insect Enemies And Diseases, With Methods Of Control And Remedies,

Young Farmer, The
Catalog #: SKU2283

America is strewn with cases of failure, in farming, by men investing capital acquired in other business. In nine cases out of ten failure has been due to lack of knowledge of farming. This book helps you avoid those pitfalls and end in success.

Abominable Snowmen: Story of Sub-Humans on Five Continents
Catalog #: SKU2291

The possible existence of the Yeti, Sasquatch, and other Abominable Snowman forms has long been a point of conjecture among travelers, naturalists, and scientists. While most of this evidence is circumstantial and inconclusive as yet, it provides a tantalizing mystery filled with enough interest and promise to warrant the attention of both serious students and casual readers.

House Fly & How To Suppress It, The
Catalog #: SKU2306

The presence of flies is an indication of uncleanliness, insanitary conditions, and improper disposal of substances in which they breed. They are not only annoying; they are actually dangerous to health, because they may carry disease germs to exposed foods.

Manual of Hindu Astrology
Catalog #: SKU2309

Astrology the ''pseudo-science" of the modern age, was mainstrean in the ancient world. The revelance and application of mathematics and astronomical sciences the ancients applied in astrology still dazzles the scientific world.

Cellular Cosmogony : Cellular Cosmogony
Catalog #: SKU2400

THE AUTHOR of the Koreshan System of Universology (upon the basis of the law of comparative analogy) announced, in 1870, the discovery of the cosmogonic form, which he then declared to be cellular; the surface of the earth being concave, with a curvature of about eight inches to the mile.

Christian Topography
Catalog #: SKU2401

THE Christian Topography of Cosmas Indicopleustes is one of the prodigies of literature. The boldness and perverse ingenuity with which its author, from a long array of irrelevant scripture texts, seeks to construct an impossible theory of the universe can scarcely fail to astonish everyone who reads it. It made its appearance at that period in the world's history, when Christendom, fast losing the light of Greek learning and culture, was soon to be shrouded in the long night of mediaeval ignorance and barbarism.

Christ's Mission to the Underworld
Catalog #: SKU2402

He set the captives free... often stated in churches, but the theory of Christ's mission to the underworld (hell) is not in the Bible. Where did it come from? Why did the early Christians believe this?

Symmes's Theory of Concentric Spheres
Catalog #: SKU2403

The Theory of Concentric Spheres forming a hollow earth by Captain Symmes is expounded on by this anonymous author. The hollow earth theory is one that still holds mystery for truthseekers, even today.
