Science Mysteries Earth Sciences


Hollow Planets
Primary Perception
Synchronized Universe

Earth Sciences


Manual of Flax Culture & Flax and Hemp in the West
Catalog #: SKU2923

Study into the agriculture products the brought on the industrial revolution and modern civilization. For any one considering serious alternative farming for a green economy, from the 1800s.

Unconscious Memory
Catalog #: SKU2929

Is evolution buried in our unconscious memory? Samuel Butler was a genius of his times and his studies into evolution were easier to understand for most people than those of Darwin.

Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
Catalog #: SKU3030

Complete and unabridged reproduction of this outstanding NASA work. Reproduced in two volumes for easier handling while reading. 860 pages. Sold as set of 2 volumes.

ETNA - A History of the Mountain and of Its Eruptions
Catalog #: SKU3206

WHILE preparing an account of MOUNT ETNA for the Encyclopaedia Britannica, I was surprised to find that there exists no single work in the English language devoted to the history of the most famous volcano in the world. I was consequently induced to considerably enlarge the Encyclopædia article, and the following pages are the result. The facts recorded have been collected from various sources-German, French, Italian, and English, and from my own observations made during the summer of 1877.

Great Physical Forces
Catalog #: SKU3207

"Show me a man who makes no mistakes, and I will show you a man who has done nothing."-Liebig. In this little volume the author gives but his own personal opinions upon the subjects discussed, and although the sentiments are expressed with an assurance born of conviction, yet he claims not infallibility.

Mazes and Labyrinths
Catalog #: SKU3223

A DELIGHTFUL air of romance and mystery surrounds the whole subject of Labyrinths and Mazes.

Stonehenge and Other British Stone Monuments
Catalog #: SKU3229

Numerous references to the ceremonial of laying the foundation-stones of temples exist, and we learn from the works of Chabas, Brugsch, D

Stonehenge Excursion, The
Catalog #: SKU3232

Study with the author in his exploration of the Salisbury plains and Stonehenge: Large Print 17 point font.

Stones Said To Have Fallen From The Clouds
Catalog #: SKU3240

An Attempt to account for the Production of a Shower of Stones, that fell in Tuscany, on the 16th of June, 1794; and to shew that there are Traces of similar Events having taken place, in the highest Ages of Antiquity. In the course of which Detail is also inserted, an Account of an extraordinary Hail-stone, that fell, with many others, in Cornwall, on the 20th of October, 1791. -- Large Print 17 point font.

Holy Earth
Catalog #: SKU3252

So bountiful hath been the earth and so securely have we drawn from it our substance, that we have taken it all for granted as if it were only a gift, and with little care or conscious thought of the consequences of our use of it; nor have we very much considered the essential relation that we bear to it as living parts in the vast creation.

Story of Creation As Told By Theology and By Science
Catalog #: SKU3270

The History of the Creation with which the Bible commences, is not a mere incidental appendage to God's Revelation, but constitutes the foundation on which the whole of that Revelation is based. Setting forth as it does the relation in which man stands to God as his Maker, and to the world which God formed for his abode, it forms a necessary introduction to all that God has seen fit to reveal to us with reference to His dispensations of Providence and of Grace.

Peanut Plant
Catalog #: SKU3278

This little work has been prepared mainly for those who have no practical acquaintance with the cultivation of the Peanut. Its directions, therefore, are intended for the beginner, and are such as will enable any intelligent person who has followed farming, to raise good crops of Peanuts, although he may have never before seen the growing plant.

Natural History of Chocolate
Catalog #: SKU3286

This small Treatise is nothing but the Substance and Result of the Observations that I made in the American Islands, during the fifteen Years which I was obliged to stay there, upon the account of his Majesty's Service. The great Trade they drive there in Chocolate, excited my Curiosity to examine more strictly than ordinary into its Origin, Culture, Properties, and Uses. I was not a little surprized when I every day discover'd, as to the Nature of the Plant, and the Customs of the Country, a great Number of Facts contrary to the Ideas, and Prejudices, for which the Writers on this Subject have given room.

Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes & Home Made Candy Recipes
Catalog #: SKU3287

The term "Cocoa," a corruption of "Cacao," is almost universally used in English-speaking countries to designate the seeds of the small tropical tree known to botanists as THEOBROMA CACAO, from which a great variety of preparations under the name of cocoa and chocolate for eating and drinking are made. The name "Chocolatl" is nearly the same in most European languages, and is taken from the Mexican name of the drink, "Chocolate" or "Cacahuatl."

An Ethnologist's View of History
Catalog #: SKU3288

The intelligent thought of the world is ever advancing to a fuller appreciation of the worth of the past to the present and the future. Never before have associations, societies and journals devoted to historical studies been so numerous. All times and tribes are searched for memorials; the remote corners of modern, medieval and ancient periods are brought under scrutiny; and going beyond these again, the semi-historic eras of tradition and the nebulous gleams from pre-historic milleniums are diligently scanned, that their uncertain story may be prefaced to that registered in "the syllables of recorded time."
