Science Mysteries Earth Sciences


Hollow Planets
Primary Perception
Synchronized Universe

Earth Sciences


Manual of Flax Culture & Flax and Hemp in the West
Catalog #: SKU2923

Study into the agriculture products the brought on the industrial revolution and modern civilization. For any one considering serious alternative farming for a green economy, from the 1800s.

Power of Music and the Healing Art
Catalog #: SKU2462

Music soothes the soul of the savage beast... and it heals too.

Q.E.D. : New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
Catalog #: SKU1359

The great world disaster, ushered in with the dawn of that August morning in 1914, has already brought revolutionary changes in many departments of our thinking. But not the least of the surprises awaiting an amazed world, whenever attention can again be directed to such subjects, will be the realization that we have now definitely outgrown many notions in science and philosophy which in the old order of things were supposed to have been eternally settled.

Sacred History of the Deluge
Catalog #: SKU2418

A complete 1836 study into the Biblical flood.. its reality, factualness, and its evidences. Corroborated by Tradition, Mytholgy, and Geology

Tomato Culture
Catalog #: SKU2279

A Practical Treatise On The Tomato, Its History, Characteristics, Planting, Fertilization, Cultivation In Field, Garden, And Greenhouse, Harvesting, Packing, Storing, Marketing, Insect Enemies And Diseases, With Methods Of Control And Remedies,

Un-Natural History
Catalog #: SKU0154

A hard to find book from 1886, republished by TGS. A look at mythical monsters and other myths from a scientific point of view, without the myth and fear behind the monster stories.

A Hebrew Deluge Story in Cuneiform
Catalog #: SKU2415

The Great Flood holds mankind's awe at the sheer devastation that a flood could bring on civilization. Here's yet another version found in libraries, once buried, now recovered.

Babylonian Story of the Deluge, The
Catalog #: SKU2596

Its easy to compare the parallels and the differences between the Assyrian (also called Chaldean and Babylonian) version of the great flood to the biblical tale, with E.A. Wallis Budge. Read the story of Gilgamesh (the Assyrian Noah, and the tale of the deluge, including brief histories of the discoveries of the tablets.

Earliest Version of the Babylonian Deluge Story
Catalog #: SKU2404

The great flood has been recorded by ancient civilizations throughout the world. The Bible itself records a revered version of the flood. This Sumerian/Babylonian story predates the authorship of the Biblical story.

ETNA - A History of the Mountain and of Its Eruptions
Catalog #: SKU3206

WHILE preparing an account of MOUNT ETNA for the Encyclopaedia Britannica, I was surprised to find that there exists no single work in the English language devoted to the history of the most famous volcano in the world. I was consequently induced to considerably enlarge the Encyclopædia article, and the following pages are the result. The facts recorded have been collected from various sources-German, French, Italian, and English, and from my own observations made during the summer of 1877.

Kinematics of Mechanisms
Catalog #: SKU2055

A rational-numerical or geometrical-approach to kinematic synthesis is possible is a relatively recent idea, not yet fully accepted; but it is this idea that is responsible for the intense scholarly interest in the kinematics of mechanisms that has occurred in this country within the last 10 years.

Loss of the S. S. Titanic
Catalog #: SKU3670

No man can go dawn into the valley of the shadow of death and stand face to face with the final certainty, and not come back with an awed soul and a chastened spirit. If any one could there would be something in him shocking and repellent to normal human nature. And therefore, the unconscious undertone of solemnity which one feels all through Mr. Beesley's simple narrative gives it a peculiar fitness and impressiveness, and adds to its value as an exact chronicle a certain austere charm.

Natural History of Chocolate
Catalog #: SKU3286

This small Treatise is nothing but the Substance and Result of the Observations that I made in the American Islands, during the fifteen Years which I was obliged to stay there, upon the account of his Majesty's Service. The great Trade they drive there in Chocolate, excited my Curiosity to examine more strictly than ordinary into its Origin, Culture, Properties, and Uses. I was not a little surprized when I every day discover'd, as to the Nature of the Plant, and the Customs of the Country, a great Number of Facts contrary to the Ideas, and Prejudices, for which the Writers on this Subject have given room.

Zadig : Book of Fate
Catalog #: SKU1477

A treasured reprint by the great philosopher, Voltaire. Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. -Voltaire

Catalog #: SKU1722

The mystery of the human body has confounded man since his thinking skills arrived. Even in recent history, from Leonardo Da Vinci to the modern DNA geneticists, the mysteries of the human body continue to excite the minds of scientists. This reprint is one fine example of one man's study into the mechanics of the body, comparing its functions to other mechanical devices. A nice analysis between the 'natural' and the mechanical.
