Science Mysteries
Earth Sciences
Exploring the world of plants and its relation to mankind as revealed by the latest discoveries of scientists, The Secret Life of Plants includes remarkable information about plants as lie detectors and plants as ecological sentinels; it describes their ability to adapt to human wishes, their response to music, their curative powers, and their ability to communicate with man.
As life nears its end with me, I find myself meditating more and more upon the mystery of its nature and origin, yet without the least hope that I can find out the ways of the Eternal in this or in any other world. In these studies I fancy I am about as far from mastering the mystery as the ant which I saw this morning industriously exploring a small section of the garden walk is from getting a clear idea of the geography of the North American Continent. But the ant was occupied and was apparently happy, and she must have learned something about a small fraction of that part of the earth's surface
The definitive study on Chemtrails from the most researched materials.
In this little treatise I am presenting to all students of nature great things to observe and to consider. Great as much because of their intrinsic excellence as of their absolute novelty, and also on account of the instrument by the aid of which they have made themselves accessible to our senses.
I believe that magnetic monopoles exist and that the creation of matter is dependent on the coupling of the monopoles into individual units. I can visualize streams of monopoles, both of positive and negative charge according to their spin , passing through each other and pairing off to form physical particles. The process would be much the same as the closing of a zipper.
The ancient legends and myths of the great religions and folk traditions of the world tell us of marvelous things, tales that, until very recently were considered within the realm of fantasy and not reality by the self-anointed "wise" of our rationalist age--cities which were swallowed by the sea, or an engulfing Earth itself; populated underworlds of varied descriptions, some paradisical, others more hellish; non-human beings with the ability to fly, to travel to nearby planets, or under the sea, or beneath the ground, and with an interest, and urge to interfere, in the destiny of human beings or human history.
It would be difficult to find any intelligent person in this age of the world who has not some theory or opinion in regard to the origin of man, and perhaps almost as difficult to find any such person who can give a good and sufficient reason for the faith that is in him.
THIS volume is not written to entertain those who read for amusement, but to establish and prove, so far as proof can he established and proved, a half-score or more of mighty truths hitherto not comprehended.
Written for the young explorer, but with today's economy in the crapper, it could be one of the most needed survival books in print.
The Theory of Concentric Spheres forming a hollow earth by Captain Symmes is expounded on by this anonymous author. The hollow earth theory is one that still holds mystery for truthseekers, even today.
The Author's reasons for undertaking a voyage of discovery.-He builds a vessel for his purpose upon a new plan.-His departure from the United States- To the Hollow Earth.
In the tradition of The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, The Anti-Gravity Handbook and The Free-Energy Device Handbook, science and UFO author David Hatcher Childress takes us into the incredible world of Nikola Tesla and his amazing inventions.
From one of the wisest sages of alchemy. Antimony: a metallic element having four allotropic forms; used in a wide variety of alloys; found in stibnite.
Look into the visions of prophets throughout the ages who foresaw the effects possibly coming with this current cycle of celestial interaction. The Bible calls this planet Wormwood and St-John gives a detailed description of what we may very well experience and perhaps very soon.
As many know there is a wide array of disinformation sites and people out there posing as individuals working to quash the Planet X awakening. It's a huge coordinated undertaking. These disinfo agents can't SEEM TO BE AFFILIATED WITH EACH OTHER. So, most all disinformation sites and people attack each other and don't associate themselves with anyone else to make it appear they are not working together.