Science Mysteries Earth Sciences


Hollow Planets
Primary Perception
Synchronized Universe

Earth Sciences


Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal
Catalog #: SKU0691

Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal is a true life adventure where the crossroads of parallel universes meet to reveal the core formula of reality. Told against the backdrop of King Solomon's underground catacombs, this book explores the pathway to the Unified Field through the principle of synchronicity.

System of Nature : Laws of the Moral and Physical World
Catalog #: SKU1399

he source of man's unhappiness is his ignorance of Nature. The pertinacity with which he clings to blind opinions imbibed in his infancy, which interweave themselves with his existence, the consequent prejudice that warps his mind, that prevents its expansion, that renders him the slave of fiction, appears to doom him to continual error. He resembles a child destitute of experience, full of ideal notions: a dangerous leaven mixes itself with all his knowledge: it is of necessity obscure, it is vacillating and false:--

Subterranean Brotherhood
Catalog #: SKU2409

Son of Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of the Scarlet Letter and House of Seven Gables, write on his life in an underground prison, with its underworld economy. Has mankind advanced in its solutions or punishments of criminal?

Farmer's and Mechanic's Manual
Catalog #: SKU2756

A good book to have in a survival library for either the urban or rural survivalist. Thousands of facts, tips, and useful information for everyday use or in times of survival.

Geomusic: The Forbidden Archeology
Catalog #: SKU1033


Hollow Planets
Catalog #: SKU0025

A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds. could the planets Mercury, Venus and Earth be hollow? This may well be the first scholarly & scientific investigation into a factual basis for the hollow planets, which were previously only myths. This 600 page reference book has caught not only the attention of scientists around the world, but media stars such as Jeff Rense of Sighting and Art Bell.

Manures and the Principles of Manuring
Catalog #: SKU2093

When the present work was first undertaken there were but few works in English dealing with its subject-matter, and hardly any which dealt with the question of Manuring at any length. During the last few years, however, owing to the greatly increased interest taken in agricultural education, the demand for agricultural scientific literature has called into existence quite a number of new works. Despite this fact, the author ventures to believe that the gap which the present treatise was originally designed to fill is still unfilled.

Underground World : A Mirror of Life Below the Surface
Catalog #: SKU2170

Hollow earth? Underground civilizations? Why not? This is a study into KNOWN underground activities.

Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
Catalog #: SKU3030

Complete and unabridged reproduction of this outstanding NASA work. Reproduced in two volumes for easier handling while reading. 860 pages. Sold as set of 2 volumes.

In Northern Mists
Catalog #: SKU3708

In the beginning the world appeared to mankind like a fairy tale; everything that lay beyond the circle of familiar experience was a shifting cloudland of the fancy, a playground for all the fabled beings of mythology; but in the farthest distance, towards the west and north, was the region of darkness and mists, where sea, land and sky were merged into a congealed mass-and at the end of all gaped the immeasurable mouth of the abyss, the awful void of space.

Lost in Space
Catalog #: SKU0242

"It's about time, it's about space, it's a story about the human race".... this was a television entry jingle to a short lived show in the 1960's. "Lost in Space" was the title of a long running television science fiction show. While these were merely cutesy sayings for drawing in an audience, the words of both quotes are quite apropos when contemplating time and space. That's what this massive set is all about, contemplating space and time.
