Science Mysteries Earth Sciences


Hollow Planets
Primary Perception
Synchronized Universe

Earth Sciences


Catalog #: SKU2019

As theories go, the idea that the Earth is hollow does not garner a lot of respect. For most people, the hollow Earth is probably a close second to the "Earth is flat" theory on that big list of "crack-pot" ideas. Nevertheless, as long as there have been people able to sit around a camp-fire, tales of a mysterious inner world have been part of mankind's heritage.

Living Energy Universe
Catalog #: SKU0772

Once upon a time more than 2,000 years ago, there existed a people who lived in paradise. They believed that everything was alive, feeling, evolving, and immortal. They believed that they were children of the night rainbow represented by the violet ring that formed around the full moon in the deep black sky.

Mazes and Labyrinths
Catalog #: SKU3223

A DELIGHTFUL air of romance and mystery surrounds the whole subject of Labyrinths and Mazes.

Nikola Tesla: Free Energy and The White Dove
Catalog #: SKU3556

Together we will discover much that is being kept secret from us, not for our own protection like some might claim, but because our lives would be better and easier if the truth about anti-gravity and UFOs were made known.

Our Alien Planet
Catalog #: SKU1557

Even the most diehard believer in the notion that UFOs are interplanetary spacecraft and nothing else will have to admit that by now the odds are stacked against this theory. For more than fifty years, since the dawn of the modem era of "flying saucer" sightings, millions of strange, luminous "things" have been buzzing about as well as being chased and interacted with on all levels all over the globe.

Reality of the Inner Earth
Catalog #: SKU1551

The world as you know it is one big lie. Everything that you thought was true is a lie. History as you know it, is a lie. Forget about the Bible and other Holy books, they too are all lies. Now take awhile to let that all sink in, as it is a lot to contemplate. It took me years to come to grips with these incredible truths

Treatise on Hemp, A
Catalog #: SKU2913

Hemp has been demonized by the US Government by conspiracy of industry giants. Yet this plant has been used for thousands of years for hundreds of products.

Asgard and the Gods
Catalog #: SKU1823

We use Norse mythology everyday of the week, either without knowing it or not thinking about it. Tuesday, Wodensday, Thorsday, and Freysday.... Why do these so-called mythologies continue to amaze and confound us? Are they fiction stories built around true and factual events? Nonsense you say--- but you also said that about the mythological Legend of Troy.. and now proven as a factual place in time and history.

Atlantis : The Book of Angels
Catalog #: SKU1892

All very ancient legend and the most rudimentary history, the vague allusions of Plato, Aristotle and Seneca, speak of a country in the Western Ocean, which would scarcely be likely to be the distant Americas; and I think we may accept those legends as to a land existing in what is now the Atlantic Ocean at about the period discussed, remembering that after all legend is oral history and starts with some foundations.

Music Notation and Terminology
Catalog #: SKU2061

The study of music notation and terminology by classes in conservatories and in music departments of colleges and normal schools is a comparative innovation, one reason for the non-existence of such courses in the past being the lack of a suitable text-book, in which might be found in related groups clear and accurate definitions of the really essential terms.

Polyphase Electric Currents
Catalog #: SKU2210

Detailed information in the use and application of polyphase currents. Valuable information to be able understand these laws of science in the event of a disaster.

Response in the Living and Non-Living
Catalog #: SKU1473

One of the most striking effects of external disturbance on certain types of living substance is a visible change of form. Thus, a piece of muscle when pinched contracts. The external disturbance which produced this change is called the stimulus. The body which is thus capable of responding is said to be irritable or excitable. A stimulus thus produces a state of excitability which may sometimes be expressed by change of form.

Solar Biology
Catalog #: SKU1788

This is probably the most in depth scientific study into astrology ever put to pen. Its unique approach to the study of astrology and its effect on human behavior, health, personality, circumstances, and environments is certainly a book that every experienced or novice astrologer should have to explain the 'why' of astrology.

Unobstructed Universe
Catalog #: SKU0989

"Today, the first essential of brotherhood is freedom. Freedom to think,
freedom to believe, freedom to strive, freedom to develop, from highest
to lowest. And the employer who refuses this opportunity to the men who
work under him is no more truly a force of disintegration than the
laborer who refuses to cooperate with his employer and thus proves
himself unworthy of a place in the procession of progress...

Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
Catalog #: SKU1371

Flowers have distinct objects in life and are everything they are for the most justifiable of reasons, i.e., the perpetuation and the improvement of their species. The means they employ to accomplish these ends are so various and so consummately clever that, in learning to understand them, we are brought to realize how similar they are to the fundamental aims of even the human race. Indeed there are few life principles that plants have not worked out satisfactorily.
