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Christ Myth, The
Catalog #: SKU0811

Was the entire story of Jesus nothing more than that

Chemtrails Confirmed
Catalog #: SKU0781

The definitive study on Chemtrails from the most researched materials.

Buddhist Suttas
Catalog #: SKU0829

These seven scriptural writings are considered to be the most important and oldest of the Buddhist religion. Originally written in the Pali language, they date to the fourth and third centuries BC. This early date is what makes them so important

Breaking the Godspell : The Politics of Our Evolution
Catalog #: SKU0796

Freer explores the archaeological, astronomical and genetic evidence for our being a half-alien, genetically engineered species. He presents the mind-boggling ramifications of this new paradigm which correct and resolve the Creationist-Evolutionary conflict, afford a generic definition of human nature, and the potential to rethink the planet. We are about to step out of racial adolescence into stellar society.

Bloodline of the Holy Grail
Catalog #: SKU0728

The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed - From royal and suppressed archives comes proof of the descending heritage of Jesus in the West. In Bloodline of the Holy Grail Laurence Gardner casts penetrating new light upon the Grail Code of Service and the venerated feminine element, abandoned by the Church in order to forge a male dominated society.

Bible's Most Embarrassing Moments
Catalog #: SKU0826

The Bible is often referred to as

Bible Code, The
Catalog #: SKU0195

For three thousand years a code in the Bible has remained hidden. Now it has been unlocked by computer -- and it may reveal our future. The code was broken by an Israeli mathematician, who presented the proof in a major science journal, and it has been confirmed by famous mathematicians around the world.

Bible Code II
Catalog #: SKU0630

The Bible code--the ancient code encrypted in the Bible that may reveal the future--was made known to the world by investigative reporter Drosnin. Now he reveals startling new predictions warning that society may have only three years to stop the countdown to Armageddon.

Bhagavad-Gita - The Song Celestial
Catalog #: SKU0810

Bhagavad-Gita is one of the most well-known and important holy books of the world. In all of Indian literature none is more quoted than this work, which is considered to be the main religious text of Hinduism.

The wisdom it conveys provides guidelines for daily living that have been followed for centuries, including India's greatest spiritual leader, Mahatmas Gandhi.

Becoming : Handbook for the New Paradigm VOL 3
Catalog #: SKU0563

The consciousness changing information each volume contains brings forth the understanding that humanity on this planet is, in reality, a whole and holy awareness. From the global myriad of belief systems arises a single picture that represents a composite awareness. This totality of thought creates the reality of the human experience.

Catalog #: SKU0795

The word Atrahasis means "extra wise" and refers to the earliest known version of Noah, who built an ark and saved mankind from destruction. This is that story, from ancient Sumeria, which many scholars believe was the original from which all known flood stories came from. This was the most popular story in the ancient world and has survived for over five thousand years.

Archko Volume
Catalog #: SKU0805

Documents that Claim Proof to the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ - This book is said to contain the testimonies of Jesus

And God Created the Stars
Catalog #: SKU0723

This astrological masterpiece will clarify how God works all through the universe. Dr. Turi explains your direct destined relationship with God and the universe. Man was created in the image of God. "And God created the stars and heavens as signs and seasons" so that you may live a more productive life. Magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. This book is your first step to perceive yourself and God in the same light as the stars.

Ancient Earth Mysteries : Future Technology from the Past
Catalog #: SKU0865

It has been reported that Saddam Hussein believes himself to be the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar, the babylonian monarch that tried to contact the prehistoric gods.

Alien Chronicles
Catalog #: SKU0616

Yesterday's X Files - An enthralling journey through the past to a new vision of the UFO phenomenon. Not since Jacques Vallee's legendary Passport to Magonia has an author tackled the fact that UFO sightings and close encounters have been a part of human history for millennia with such expertise. This book is an absolute must for anybody who's curious about unexplained phenomena.

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