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The best-seller that not only takes on America's money-soaked, corporate-driven, issue-avoiding, made-for-television, snoozer of a political process, but also articulates the issues and solutions that should be front and center in our nation's political debate.
Eisenhower, the CIA, and the Hidden Story of America's Space Espionage - Taubman, deputy editorial page editor of the New York Times, investigates the spy satellites that investigated the Soviets. Eisenhower, who was often accused of "putting and puttering" and "goofing and golfing," is portrayed here as a remarkable risk taker who supported the creation of highly sophisticated spy-satellite and spy-plane technology by going around the stodgy Pentagon bureaucracy and using the best minds he could find.
These seven scriptural writings are considered to be the most important and oldest of the Buddhist religion. Originally written in the Pali language, they date to the fourth and third centuries BC. This early date is what makes them so important
The Talmud is one of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this work.
From a Toltec perspective, questions relating to the role and purpose of dreaming, can only be answered if dreaming is viewed within the context of an overall framework. To this end, the chapters that precede those on dreaming address such issues as, "What is life?" "Death - its nature" and "What are dreams?".
Only by "exposing the creators" of the first Wold Trade Center bombing in (1993), could we have prevented the creation of the second bombing of the World Trade Center on 9-11. We failed to make it ..
All concern the bizarre phenomena unexplained by traditional science that the author spent the better part of three decades documenting: flying saucers, telekinesis, sudden showers of fish from the sky, stigmata, poltergeists, and spontaneous combustion (to name a few).
Although it may appear elitist, when the old families observe that the Dragons are being misrepresented to the extent that everybody wants to become one, the time-honoured consensus of feeling among them is compounded. They see that it inevitably leads to a gap in the market being filled, resulting in yet another impudent impertinence being perpetrated.
Producer Dennis Smith (William Harrity), though innocent of any wrongdoing, is financially ruined by a group of IRS agents intent on changing the tax standards for the entertainment industry.
From Aarab Zereq to Zos Kia Cultus, this is the most up-to-date, comprehensive guide to the history, philosophies, and personalities of Western occultism.
Written by an occult scholar and practitioner with the assistance of hundreds of experts in the field, this volume presents the latest in scholarly research and points out errors in previous writings-revealing truths much more interesting and dramatic than the fictional histories that obscured them.
This remarkable CD-ROM is a "must-have" tool for people wanting to find the wiser places to live in America during these increasingly uncertain times. There are over 550 color maps divided into five main categories as shown below. At least 70 of the maps are over 6 square feet each when printed out. They allow you to choose your own combination of priorities
This astrological masterpiece will clarify how God works all through the universe. Dr. Turi explains your direct destined relationship with God and the universe. Man was created in the image of God. "And God created the stars and heavens as signs and seasons" so that you may live a more productive life. Magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. This book is your first step to perceive yourself and God in the same light as the stars.
Yesterday's X Files - An enthralling journey through the past to a new vision of the UFO phenomenon. Not since Jacques Vallee's legendary Passport to Magonia has an author tackled the fact that UFO sightings and close encounters have been a part of human history for millennia with such expertise. This book is an absolute must for anybody who's curious about unexplained phenomena.
One-third of your life is spent in the dream world where your subconscious is delivering messages in symbolic language. While your body rests, your dreams are dealing with your fears, frustrations and hopes. Your dreams are sending you messages about your past, present and future that can help you in your waking hours. Learn what these dream messages say about love, success, numbers and money.
The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World
and of Mankind. This is one of the oldest stories known to mankind, first written down by the ancient Sumerians thousands of years ago. It is receiving renewed interest from modern researchers exploring the origins of mankind, the earth, and the solar system. The story reveals how the planets became aligned, how a cosmic catastrophe affected the earth, how mankind came upon the scene, and how the
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