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Magic Agent, The (Digital Download Edition)
Simple Sabotage Field Manual (Electronic Download Edition)
Treatise on the Brewing of Beer, A (PDF Edition)
Mysteries of Mount Shasta (Electronic Book)
Water - Water Everywhere and NOT a Drop to Drink? (PDF Download file)
A Book Without A Title

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Is the Bible Worth Reading (PDF Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3432

The writer of this book dedicates it to all men and women of common honesty and common sense. I have not said that there are not wise sayings in the Bible, or a few dramatic incidents, but there are just as wise sayings, and wiser ones, too, out of the book, and there are dramas of human life that surpass in interest anything contained in the Old or New Testament.

Line in the Sand (Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU4075

You've heard the Governor of Texas mention it. You've heard state legislators talk about it. You've heard the media ridicule it. Now look at this Texas movement from within. The Texas Nationalist Movement's President, Daniel Miller, opens the movement's reasons and strategum to gain independence of Texas for all to see.

Magic Agent, The (Digital Download Edition)
Catalog #: SKU1975

Political Fiction....This novel took off from the premise that history might be something far different from the boilerplate we are given. It might have gigantic holes in it, and through those holes impossible events and circumstances might enter.

Mary Wollaston (Emobi/Kindle Ebook)
Catalog #: SKU4072

Miss Lucile Wollaston was set to exude sympathy, like an aphid waiting for an overworked ant to come down to breakfast. But there was no sympathizing with the man who came in from a doctor's all-night vigil like a boy from a ball-game, gave her a hard brisk kiss on the cheek-bone, and then, before taking his place at the table, unfolded the morning paper for a glance at the head-lines.

Moll Flanders (E-mobi)
Catalog #: SKU4058

The following novella is a work of editing and modernizing an original story, her autobiography, by Moll Flanders herself.

Moll Flanders (Kindle)
Catalog #: SKU4059

The following novella is a work of editing and modernizing an original story, her autobiography, by Moll Flanders herself.

Mysteries of Mount Shasta (Electronic Book)
Catalog #: SKU1900

Home Of The Underground Dwellers and Ancient Gods - There is no place-certainly not in North America-that is more shrouded in mystery, so cloaked in enigma, to be found anywhere else in the world. With stories of the lost continent of Lemuria, to a landing base for UFOs, to the capital of the underworld known as Telos-this magical mountain attracts thousands each year. Some come just for the scenic beauty, others for a spiritual experience. (40 Meg PDF File)

Northmen In America (985-1015) (Kindle Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3468

On the 29th day of October, 1887, a statue erected to the memory of Leif, the son of Erik, the discoverer of America, was unveiled in the city of Boston, in the presence of a large assembly of citizens.

Northmen In America (985-1015) (MobiPocket Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3469

On the 29th day of October, 1887, a statue erected to the memory of Leif, the son of Erik, the discoverer of America, was unveiled in the city of Boston, in the presence of a large assembly of citizens.

Ontology: Theory of Being (Kindle Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3460

It is hoped that the present volume will supply a want that is really felt by students of philosophy in our universities-the want of an English text-book on General Metaphysics from the Scholastic standpoint. It is the author's intention to supplement his Science of Logic1 and the present treatise on Ontology, by a volume on the Theory of Knowledge. Hence no disquisitions on the latter subject will be found in these pages: the Moderate Realism of Aristotle and the Schoolmen is assumed throughout.

Ontology: Theory of Being (MobiPocket Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3461

It is hoped that the present volume will supply a want that is really felt by students of philosophy in our universities-the want of an English text-book on General Metaphysics from the Scholastic standpoint. It is the author's intention to supplement his Science of Logic1 and the present treatise on Ontology, by a volume on the Theory of Knowledge. Hence no disquisitions on the latter subject will be found in these pages: the Moderate Realism of Aristotle and the Schoolmen is assumed throughout.

Our Alien Planet (Digital PDF Edition)
Catalog #: SKU1933

Even the most diehard believer in the notion that UFOs are interplanetary spacecraft and nothing else will have to admit that by now the odds are stacked against this theory. For more than fifty years, since the dawn of the modem era of "flying saucer" sightings, millions of strange, luminous "things" have been buzzing about as well as being chased and interacted with on all levels all over the globe.

Physiology of Marriage (Ebook)
Catalog #: SKU4074

"Marriage is not an institution of nature. The family in the east is entirely different from the family in the west. Man is the servant of nature, and the institutions of society are grafts, not spontaneous growths of nature. Laws are made to suit manners, and manners vary. Marriage must therefore undergo the gradual development towards perfection to which all human affairs submit."

Pirates' Who's Who (Kindle Reader Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3443

Let it be made clear at the very outset of this Preface that the pages which follow do not pretend to be a history of piracy, but are simply an attempt to gather together, from various sources, particulars of those redoubtable pirates and buccaneers whose names have been handed down to us in a desultory way.

Pirates' Who's Who (MobiPocket Reader Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3444

Let it be made clear at the very outset of this Preface that the pages which follow do not pretend to be a history of piracy, but are simply an attempt to gather together, from various sources, particulars of those redoubtable pirates and buccaneers whose names have been handed down to us in a desultory way.

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