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Stories From Le Morte D'arthur and the Mabinogion (Kindle)
Catalog #: SKU4055

Among the stories of world-wide renown, not the least stirring are those that have gathered about the names of national heroes. The Æneid, the Nibelungenlied, the Chanson de Roland, the Morte D'Arthur,--they are not history, but they have been as National Anthems to the races, and their magic is not yet dead.

Stories From Le Morte D'arthur and the Mabinogion (Emobi)
Catalog #: SKU4054

Among the stories of world-wide renown, not the least stirring are those that have gathered about the names of national heroes. The Æneid, the Nibelungenlied, the Chanson de Roland, the Morte D'Arthur,--they are not history, but they have been as National Anthems to the races, and their magic is not yet dead.

Stories From Le Morte D'arthur and the Mabinogion-PDF
Catalog #: SKU4053

Among the stories of world-wide renown, not the least stirring are those that have gathered about the names of national heroes. The Æneid, the Nibelungenlied, the Chanson de Roland, the Morte D'Arthur,--they are not history, but they have been as National Anthems to the races, and their magic is not yet dead.

Inner Consciousness (Kindle-Emobi)
Catalog #: SKU3633

In theoretical as well as applied psychology no term is more misleading, or confusing than the term consciousness. We use the term often in our conversation; we come across it in our study; but when we are asked to define it properly, to explain its significance, its meaning, or the idea for which that word stands, we are unable to do so.

Charlie Danger: SuperVision! (E-Mobi/Kindle)
Catalog #: SKU3499

We are truly under economic attack! The circus in Washington is just that! The mainstream media is all about programming. The programs you view program you. They make you want this or want that, look this way or that, think this way or that.

Charlie Danger: Private Detective: Border Disorder (E-Mobi/Kindle)
Catalog #: SKU3498

Charlie Danger returns with his friend, Shurelock Homes. His new adventure picks up where the first left off and Charlie finds himself facing Professor Mariachi and his plans for the North American Union! Calamity Jane and Lassie join Homes and Danger in this, the most thrilling story yet!

Charlie Danger: Private Detective (E-Mobi/Kindle)
Catalog #: SKU3497

Charlie Danger, Private Detective is a parody of the old 1950's detective stories. Charlie gets involved with a mysterious blonde bombshell and is dragged into the plot to build the New World Order. The dead bodies of our Founding Fathers start showing up, then bullets start flying and bombs start going off.

Northmen In America (985-1015) (MobiPocket Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3469

On the 29th day of October, 1887, a statue erected to the memory of Leif, the son of Erik, the discoverer of America, was unveiled in the city of Boston, in the presence of a large assembly of citizens.

Northmen In America (985-1015) (Kindle Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3468

On the 29th day of October, 1887, a statue erected to the memory of Leif, the son of Erik, the discoverer of America, was unveiled in the city of Boston, in the presence of a large assembly of citizens.

A Book Without A Title
Catalog #: SKU3466

Seventy-Four Maxims, from the other side of the brain.-FREE EBOOK for HiddenMysteries' Patrons

Voltaire's Romances (MobiPocket Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3465

I choose that a story should be founded on probability, and not always resemble a dream. I desire to find nothing in it trivial or extravagant; and I desire above all, that under the appearance of fable there may appear some latent truth, obvious to the discerning eye, though it escape the observation of the vulgar.

Voltaire's Romances (Kindle Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3464

I choose that a story should be founded on probability, and not always resemble a dream. I desire to find nothing in it trivial or extravagant; and I desire above all, that under the appearance of fable there may appear some latent truth, obvious to the discerning eye, though it escape the observation of the vulgar.

Ontology: Theory of Being (MobiPocket Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3461

It is hoped that the present volume will supply a want that is really felt by students of philosophy in our universities-the want of an English text-book on General Metaphysics from the Scholastic standpoint. It is the author's intention to supplement his Science of Logic1 and the present treatise on Ontology, by a volume on the Theory of Knowledge. Hence no disquisitions on the latter subject will be found in these pages: the Moderate Realism of Aristotle and the Schoolmen is assumed throughout.

Ontology: Theory of Being (Kindle Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3460

It is hoped that the present volume will supply a want that is really felt by students of philosophy in our universities-the want of an English text-book on General Metaphysics from the Scholastic standpoint. It is the author's intention to supplement his Science of Logic1 and the present treatise on Ontology, by a volume on the Theory of Knowledge. Hence no disquisitions on the latter subject will be found in these pages: the Moderate Realism of Aristotle and the Schoolmen is assumed throughout.

History of the Five Indian Nations (2 books in one volume) (MobiPocket Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3458

The following Account of the Five Indian Nations will shew what dangerous Neighbours the Indians have once been; what Pains a neighbouring Colony (whose Interest is opposite to ours) has taken to withdraw their Affections from us; and how much we ought to be on our Guard. If we only consider the Riches which our Enemies receive from the Indian Trade (though we were under no Apprehensions from the Indians themselves) it would be highly imprudent in us to suffer such People to grow Rich and Powerful, while it is in our Power to prevent it, with much less Charge and Trouble, than it is in theirs to accomplish their Designs.

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