Delivered Information
The most comprehensive expose of the global conspiracy ever written and all you need to know to be truly free
Explore the rich family life of the people from the Lost Continent of
Lemuria, who have been living Underground for the past 12,000 years; and
who, due to their isolation from the surface population, have created a
civilization of peace and abundance, with no sickness, aging or
Joseph McMoneage is a "remote viewer" and former psychic spy for the U.S. Army. Presenting an incredible vision of our future through the year 2075, he covers world population, aging, crime, technology, environmental issues, and more, including a vision for the year 3000.
Dana Howard reveals the future of the planet and mankind from her contact with extra-terrestrial aliens in the 1950-60s.
Although the characters are fictional, the "missing time" elements are real. This writer happens to believe that beings from other worlds have visited our solar system, specifically, beings from the Sirius Star System. They may not look exactly like us, but they will, in many ways, resemble us.
When enough of us have completed this process -Recoding, Reconnection and Activation - the increased mass consciousness frequency will shift our planet into higher planes of the 4th Dimension and will diminish the pending "Earth changes" crises that are predicted.
THE MATERIAL for this book is drawn from some 2,500 single-typed pages of verbatim records. The latter are made up of communications from discarnate entities we called the Invisibles, mainly through the mediumship of one of us known as Betty. The latter had become a station for this sort of transmission only by dint of a rigorous twenty years of training.