Christianity Exposed
What truth so obvious, so certain, as the being of a God, which the most ignorant ages have acknowledged, for which the most refined geniuses have ambitiously striven to produce new proofs and arguments? What truth so important as this, which is the ground of all our hopes, the surest foundation of morality, the firmest support of society, and the only principle which ought never to be a moment absent from our thoughts and meditations?
Because I have at this present undertaken to write of the of the first Tincture, the Root of Metals and Minerals, and to inform you of the Spiritual Essence, how the Metals and Minerals are at first spiritually conceived and born corporally; it will be necessary first of all to utter, and to acquaint you by a speech, that all things consist of two parts, that is, Natural and Supernatural; what is visible, tangible, and hath form or shape, that is natural; but what is intactible, without form, and spiritual, that is supernatural, and must be apprehended and conceived by Faith; such is the Creation, and especially the Eternity of God without end, immensible and incomprehensible; for Nature cannot conceive nor apprehend it by its humane reason:
Myth, as it is understood by us, and as It will be developed and explained in this work, cannot be defined in summary terms, since its multiform and comprehensive nature embraces and includes all primitive action, as well as much which is consecutive and historical in the intelligence and feelings of man, with respect to the immediate and the reflex interpretation of the world, of the Individual, and of the society in which our common life is passed.
The lessons which compose this volume originally appeared in monthly form, the first of which was issued in October, 1907, and the twelfth in September, 1908. These lessons met with a hearty and generous response from the public, and the present volume is issued in response to the demand for the lessons in a permanent and durable form.
Madam Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine explored as it relates to all the religions of mankind.
For thousands (maybe millions) of years on our planet, humanity has been involved in a symbiotic relationship with plants. Not only have plants supplied mankind with a never ending food-source, the necessary nourishment for our bodies and life itself, but they have also served us in another way: an extremely important and intricate one, yet an often overlooked one. I am referring to those plants which, traditionally, have been known to pharmacologically expand human consciousness into the mystical/spiritual states.
A Modern Panarion is of like nature with the intent of Church Father Epiphanius, only in the 19th century heresy has in many instances become orthodoxy, and orthodoxy heresy, and the Panarion is intended as a means of healing against the errors of ecclesiasticism, dogma and bigotry, and the blind negotiation of materialism and psuedo-science.
The main purpose of our existence on earth-aside from the sacred and paramount duty of securing our salvation-is undoubtedly to make ourselves masters of the tangible world around us, as it stands revealed to our senses, and as it was expressly made subject to our will by the Creator.
This unwillingness to acknowledge the shortcomings of Jesus is partially due to fear of sustaining a great loss. The familiar answer to heretical arguments is that faith should not be destroyed unless something can be put in its place -- ignoring the fact that something always may be substituted for beliefs destroyed. That substitute is faith in the world as it really is. And our modern world, with all its shortcomings, is infinitely preferable to the earth, or even the heaven, of the first century.
There are two accounts of the miraculous conception, one in the gospel according to St. Matthew, the other in the gospel according to St. Luke
A transitional state of mind is clearly evidenced by the present division and perplexity of Christian thought concerning the Christian miracles. Many seem to regard further discussion as profitless, and are ready to shelve the subject. But this attitude of weariness is also transitional. There must be some thoroughfare to firm ground and clear vision. It must be found in agreement, first of all, on the real meaning of a term so variously and vaguely used as miracle.
Kant's unorthodox religious teachings, which were based on rationalism rather than revelation, brought him into conflict with the government of Prussia, and in 1792 he was forbidden by Frederick William II, king of Prussia, to teach or write on religious subjects. Kant obeyed this order for five years until the death of the king and then felt released from his obligation. In 1798, the year following his retirement from the university, he published a summary of his religious views.
Here is the book that reveals the answers to these intriguing, potentially explosive questions. Utilizing the same meticulous research that catapulted their first book onto the best seller lists, the authors again bring an enlightening message of truth - and urgent importance - to Christians and non-Christians the world over.
Nothing gives me more pleasure, nothing gives greater promise for the future, than the fact that woman is achieving intellectual and physical liberty. It is refreshing to know that here, in our country, there are thousands of women who think and express their own thoughts-who are thoroughly free and thoroughly conscientious-who have neither been narrowed nor corrupted by a heartless creed-who do not worship a being in heaven whom they would shudderingly loathe on earth. Large print 15 point font.
The author, William Ireland, gives extensive details of the conditions in France, when Joan of Arc came on the scene. 160 pages alone to describe the conditions which she was born into. This set is a masterpiece of history, and an exhaustive biography of the Maid of France, including many of the notes and communications by and about Joan.