Spirituality-Religions Christianity Exposed


Deon Chronicles
Large Print Apocrypha
Crucifixion of the Truth
Adepts of Deceit - Two Volume Set
A Dangerous Book
Twin Deception

Christianity Exposed


Six Historic Americans : Our Christian Heritage?
Catalog #: SKU1601

Were the American people asked to name the five great historic figures of the first century of our national existence -- the illustrious men who contributed most to build and glorify the United States of America -- the answer would be, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Ulysses S. Grant.

Creative Process in the Individual, The
Catalog #: SKU1602

Troward's contributions to the explanation of what he calls "Mental Science" are models of clarity,
and I have myself found them most helpful in sorting and crystallising my own thoughts on
"spiritual" matters.

Kingdom of Heaven Is Within You, The - The Forbidden Knowledge Series
Catalog #: SKU1608

The subtle intuitive perception of the psychological basis of the social position, the analysis of the frame of mind of oppressors and oppressed, and of the intoxication of Authority and Servility, as well as the purely descriptive passages in the last chapter -- these could only have come from the author of "War and Peace."

Catalog #: SKU1614

Rodger Stevens teaches lost truths that masters have come to teach mankind throughout the ages. However, Stevens speaks to the western world in language, mindset, and processes that people in western civilization understand.

Pagan Christs : Studies In Comparative Hierology
Catalog #: SKU1757

In today's current climate of 'fear' and 'terrorism', Pagan Christs is desparately needed research into the historical gods and christs, all born and created by mankind out of FEAR. Fear is the catalyst which the church and all religions thrive on and survive.

Witchcraft, Sorcery and Superstition : La Sorciere
Catalog #: SKU1760

All primitive peoples start alike; this we see again and again in the accounts given by travellers. Man hunts and fights. Woman contrives and dreams; she is the mother of fancy, of the gods. She possesses glimpses of the second sight, and has wings to soar into the infinitude of longing and imagination. The better to count the seasons, she scans the sky. But earth has her heart as well.

India in Primitive Christianity
Catalog #: SKU1796

M. Burnouf asserts that the Indian origin of Christianity is no longer contested: "It has been placed in full light by the researches of scholars, and notably English scholars, and by the publication of the original texts. . . . In point of fact for a long time folks had been struck with the resemblances, or rather the identical elements, contained in Christianity and Buddhism. Writers of the firmest faith and most sincere piety have admitted them.

Superstition In All Ages - Common Sense
Catalog #: SKU1849

What are these boasted resources of the Christ-worshipers? Their morality? It is the same as in all religions, but their cruel dogmas produced and taught persecution and trouble. Their miracles? But what people has not its own, and what wise men do not disdain these fables? Their prophecies? Have we not shown their falsity? Their morals? Are they not often infamous? The establishment of their religion? but did not fanaticism begin, and has not intrigue visibly sustained this edifice? The doctrine? but is it not the height of absurdity?

God Save Us From Religion
Catalog #: SKU1858

Proof of the tampering that altered the Word of God and introduced the deceptions we have today. No stone is left unturned as this Archaeologist and Ancient Historian, Ian Ross Vayro, walks us through various versions of the Bible, Sumerian tablets and early Egyptian papyrus records in a vigilant search for the truth. Read about the deception, the tampering and the conspiracy within the Roman Church in God Save Us From Religion.

Grounds of Christianity
Catalog #: SKU1867

It is a common opinion, that there are some doctrines so sacred, and others of so bad a tendency, that no public discussion of them ought to be allowed. Were this a right opinion, all the persecution that has ever been practised would be justified

Non-Christian Cross, The
Catalog #: SKU1868

And we thought the Cross of Crucifiction was a Christian thing? Parsons gathered research the world over of the historical cross and its origins. The Cross-- adopted by Christianity, but certainly not its orginator.

Large Print Apocrypha
Catalog #: SKU1937

By request, TGS now offers a large print (16 point font) Apocrypha. In 1826 the Apocrypha, (fourteen books of the Bible) was removed from the protestant editions of the King James Bible.

Apollonius of Tyana
Catalog #: SKU1984

TO the student of the origins of Christianity there is naturally no period of Western history of greater interest and importance than the first century of our era; and yet how little comparatively is known about it of a really definite and reliable nature. If it be a subject of lasting regret that no non-Christian writer of the first century had sufficient intuition of the future to record even a line of information concerning the birth and growth of what was to be the religion of the Western world, equally disappointing is it to find so little definite information of the general social and religious conditions of the time.

Religion or Lust
Catalog #: SKU1990

Phallic worship, the first abstract religion evolved by man, has taken deeper root; its fundamental principles are still present, though they have their seat in our subliminal consciousness

Forbidden Books of the New Testament (Large Print Edition)
Catalog #: SKU2016

