Christianity Exposed
How does religious ritual affect religious belief? Are the two intertwined or separate functions in religious practices? This study researches these questions and much more.
A study into the true character of Jesus (Yeshua) based on the only extant copy of the the Hebrew language Matthew and the archeological discovery of 'Moses Seat'. (From Israel)
A study into the true character of Jesus (Yeshua) based on the only extant copy of the the Hebrew language Matthew and the archeological discovery of 'Moses Seat'. (From Israel)
The Female Convents - The sins of the Holy Sisters exposed, and this hypocrisy continues....
I don't expect one of our Armed Services to be that worried about whom we wish to pray to or what we wish to believe as long as its done in the confines of a peaceful surrounding. After all, I don't go to your church and you don't go to mine, and if I am not in the Army, Navy or Air Force I certainly have no say as to what they do on or off the front lines.
This book is dangerous because it declares, as openly and clearly as possible, that people-and that means you, me, and everybody else-are not on this earth to wave a flag, or kill for God, or flip burgers, or convert the riches of the planet into scribbles on a ledger. ---32 Mind Opening Chapters!
This book is dedicated in all seriousness to rabbis, priests and ministers, in the hope that it may bring them to realize the fraud they are perpetrating by preaching the Bible as the Word of God, and as a moral and intellectual guide for or the human race.
History and recollections of man's beliefs that have either been proven false, or simply forgotten as history moved on.
Here is a truly outstanding book about religious Gnosis, called the
"Church of God? or The Temples of Satan." It criticises world religions for their lack of Spiritual Knowledge and perception, and blames them for the Spiritual ignorance, intolerance, and hatred which, it claims, is the root of worldwide terrorism. The book also accuses all religions of being nothing more than "temples of Satanism" and ignorance.
IN the following pages there is no attempt to criticize all the alleged evidences in favor of Christianity. The aim of the writer has been to fairly examine the, principal claims that have recently been put forward on behalf of the orthodox faith. It is hoped that the examination that has been made, and the facts given in these pages, may be of some practical service to the young and earnest searchers for truth.
We hear from ignorant clergy, peddling their ignorance and thier mythologies, about our Famous CHRISTIAN Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson is one that is always included in their rhetoric of lies and ignorance. TGS brings you this compilation of Jefferson's philosophies and his 'named by ignorance' the Jefferson Bible. The text of the diamonds is presented twice, once in a scripted font and once in a plain easier to read font.
Almost everything in Christianity seems to have been an afterthought. It is the least original of any of the ten great religions of the world, and the great mistake has been in making almost everything literal which the wise men of ancient times regarded as allegorical. This comes from the priestly attempt to identify the Jewish Jesus with the Oriental Christ Tradition is, in fact, the main foundation of the Christian scheme, and cunning sacerdotalists have done by artifice what history, in fact, has failed to do. But for its moral precepts and its "enthusiasm of humanity," Christianity would not survive for a single century.
INFIDEL! The name has been bestowed on me by several Christian gentlemen as a reproach, but to my ears it has a quaint and not unpleasing sound. Infidel! "The notorious infidel editor of the Clarion" is the form used by one True Believer. The words recurred to my mind suddenly, while I was taking my favourite black pipe for a walk along "the pleasant Strand," and I felt a smile glimmer within as I repeated them.
This book is about what to do after you get genetically enlightened. By "genetic enlightenment" I mean what it's like once you have broken the godspell, the effect of the ancient, subservient master-slave attitude that is the deepest dye in the fabrics of both Eastern and Western culture, the result of having been created as slave-animals by the Annunaki/Nefilim, the transcultural "gods" (alien humanoids from the tenth planet, Nibiru, in our solar system) known to the ancient civilizations.
Nowhere is the influence of sex more plainly manifested than in the formulation of religious conceptions and creeds. With the rise of male power and dominion, and the corresponding repression of the natural female instincts, the principles which originally constituted the God-idea gradually gave place to a Deity better suited to the peculiar bias which had been given to the male organism.