Christianity Exposed
Lord Lytton is famous for his book "The Coming Race" that included his vision for an energy called 'VRIL power.' The Third Reich was evidently quite aware of Lytton's visions and theories, as they named some of their experimental craft "VRIL". Many other of Lord Lytton's books are merely dismissed as literature or fiction. Though written in fiction prose, his other mysteries and visions are recorded in his less known works.
The Fraud and Crimes of the Priestcraft from ancient times to modern times... The more things change the more they remain the same. A concise history of religions' frauds and crimes against humanity.
As far as this book is concerned, the public may Take It, or the public may Let It Alone. But the authors feel it their duty to say that no deductions as to their own private habits are to be made from the story here offered. With its composition they have beguiled the moments of the valley of the shadow.
The public will forgive this being only a brief preface, for at the moment of writing the time is short. Wishing you a Merry Abstinence, and looking forward to meeting you some day in Europe.
Secret Teachings of the Original Christians - Drawing on modern scholarship, the authors of the international bestseller The Jesus Mysteries decode the secret teachings of the original Christians for the first time in almost two millennia and theorize about who the original Christians really were and what they actually taught. In addition, the book explores the many myths of Jesus and the Goddess and unlocks the lost secret teachings of Christian mysticism
Juleville is making a direct plea to the Church for the canonization of Joan as a saint. Saintliness is not the privilege of any age, or sex, or profession, or mode of life.
A history of the charletan magician and the charletan clergy.
And we thought the Cross of Crucifiction was a Christian thing? Parsons gathered research the world over of the historical cross and its origins. The Cross-- adopted by Christianity, but certainly not its orginator.
Most of us have been born and bred under the influence of some form of religious superstition, which was imposed upon us, from a very proper sense of duty, by our parents. But parents, though having complete control over the education of their children, cannot commit them, when they arrive at years of discretion, to any particular line of thought or opinion. If this were possible, in what a state of appalling ignorance should we be now! The world progresses, and why? Because knowledge progresses.
A careful perusal of this first English translation of the primitive text of "Job," "Koheleth," and the "Sayings of Agur" will, I doubt not, satisfy the most orthodox reader that I am fully warranted in characterising their authors as Sceptics. The epithet, I confess, may prove distasteful to many, but the truth, I trust, will be welcome to all.
This is an orderly universe. This earth has existed in perfect order for billions of years. It has never deviated from its rotation or orbit. It is consistently nourished by the sun and balanced, gravitationally, by the moon. This degree of precision dominates the entire universe, as stated in the Qur'an: "Are you unaware of how God created the (numerous) layers of the universe in absolute harmony?" What's more, regarding His controlling influence, "and We are (involved in and) fully aware of (all aspects of) Our creation."
This timely reprint is needed in this era of the U.S. illegal wars and illegal invasions of two nations, without provokation. Uncanny and without justification is Christianity's almost unanimous and carte blanche approval of the Bush Wars, under the flag of the cross, to many of the religious right pundits.
Discover how much of your faith, your Christian or Jewish religion originated from the religion of Babylon.
Exposing the Origins of the Devil - This well-researched book exposes all the facts about the devil. Topics include the origins of hell, where the Christian devil was borrowed from, why the church needed a
In ransacking old court records, newspapers, diaries and letters for the historic foundation of the books which I have written on colonial history, I have found and noted much of interest that has not been used or referred to in any of those books. An accumulation of notes on old-time laws, punishments and penalties has evoked this volume. The subject is not a pleasant one, though it often has a humorous element; but a punishment that is obsolete gains an interest and dignity from antiquity and its history becomes endurable because it has a past only and no future. That men were pilloried and women ducked by our law-abiding forbears rouses a thrill of hot indignation which dies down into a dull ember of curiosity when we reflect that they will never be pilloried or ducked again.